I picked up my reserved copy of
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows last Saturday but didn't start it until late on Sunday. I was too busy finishing my re-read of
HP and the Half Blood Prince, which is the previous book. I am glad that I took the time to re-read #6; after 2 years (and 2 more children) I had forgotten a lot. It made #7 much more enjoyable. And # 7 was great, a very satisfying ending to a wonderful series. As I entered Borders last Saturday, I was struck by the variety of people waiting in line. All walks of life were represented: youngsters, teens, middle-age ( i guess this would be me!) older folks, bikers, moms, dads, single 20-somethings, you name it, they were there. Not only has
J K Rowling inspired young people to read more, but she has given the world a story with a universal theme, that many different people can relate to. A pretty amazing feat if you ask me. My friend Paula finished the book before I did this week, and was helpful when I called her to ask about things I had forgotten, such as the difference between Legillamancy and Occulemancy, and the definition of a Squib. (pardon my spelling, I am not running downstairs to look in the book). I thought she put it best when she commented on how the different terms and names never seemed silly when reading them, but to hear the two of us 40 somethings throwing them around, yeah, that sounded silly. I finished last night at 9:30, and of course picked up the phone so we could discuss. I am looking forward to seeing Brad, Dave and Kelly next week and to hear what they thought.
And Kat and Mike, can't wait till you guys finish it, I know you have had theories all along, how did they pan out??
Told you this post was a Nerd Alert......