James arrival. Think what great playmates they will be!
We are thrilled to hear the good news, and look forward to seeing them all this Fall. In the meantime, these pictures I swiped from their blog will have to suffice.

Here they are giving it a test run. They loved being able to get to the sink. I have tried to use the stool we have, but neither one wants to wait their turn, so I gave up. This stool solves that problem. Right after these pictures were taken, they brushed their teeth together. This will definitely help in our quest to be out the door at 9am on school mornings.
Thanks Dad, I know the kids will enjoy this for years to come. And thanks to Mom as well, the creamed chicken was delicious. As we were eating, she reminded me that creamed chicken was the dish Michael always chose for his birthday dinner. Bill's was Shrimp Cantonese and mine was Chicken Continental when I was younger, but now is Mom's pork roast with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes and gravy. Yum, makes my bday in 2 months almost something to look forward to! Anyone else remember their birthday dinner?
Michael was willing to pose with the sign; Emily just wanted to get her hands on the camera. Then she found Michael's discarded cup to play with, and she was done with the posing.
But I digress. I wasn't sure how they would do this first morning, but I needn't have worried. While waiting for the doors to open (yes, we were one of the first to arrive, along with my friend Sharon, also a mother of twins, go figure) Emily stood on her tip-toes and tried to open it herself. Once the secretary unlocked and opened it, Emily bolted in and took off down the hall. Michael preferred to check out each classroom along the way. When we got to their room, Miss Marsha bent down to greet them. Emily walked past her to see what was in the room, but Michael gave her a hug, which was unexpected. Once in the room he realized I was leaving, and started to back out the door, but Miss Marie distracted him with a "cuck" (truck) and that was all it took. By this time Emily was sitting at the table playing with a puzzle. Marsha looked at me and said "ok, scoot" which I did. Pretty painless. I think being the first kids to arrive helped, there was no one else clinging or crying, which is contagious.
I arrived about 2 minutes early to pick them up, and they were the only ones left in the classroom. Marsha told me all the other moms got there about 15 minutes early, and that set off most of the kids, but M and Em didn't cry at all. I was pretty impressed by that. So, it looks like we are off to a great start.
After a well deserved nap, the fun continued: And not to be left out, here is Sophie last Friday checking out her Sally Foster catalog. She is wearing her "spirit wear" which she was excited about, and her cheeks are rosy from the hot bus ride and walk home. She is still struggling with getting up in the mornings, still very tired, and still very disagreeable and prone to falling apart when she gets home. But, she is doing fine in the classroom, and that is what is important right now. As long as she is holding it together at school, learning to hold it together at home will come in time. I hope.
Not so sad moms Kathleen and Holly.
Looking less and less sad: Me and Paula
Looking downright ecstatic: Rebekah and Paula
The rest of the day was uneventful. Michael and Emily had a great time playing with the 3 and 4 year olds that morning, and took a good nap. I did some laundry, bills, stuff like that, all the while keeping an eye on the clock. At 2:30 I walked up to the bus stop and there was Sophie, happily getting off the bus. Here she is with (from left) Lily and Bella, who have also started Kindergarten this year. Lily is Sophie's assigned seat mate on the bus, and both of them live up the street from us. Sophie has already asked when she can have them over to play. Their moms are nice, I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
I made "indoor smores" for after school snack, it was a hit.
So all went fine until I was tucking her in. Then the floodgates opened, and she sobbed for 30 minutes. I was taken aback to say the least. I knew she was tired, but she let loose with "Please don't make me go back, I don't like it, it's boring (new favorite all purpose word), I just want to go back to Mt. Zion and see my friends!" When I reminded her that her friends were all in Kindergarten too she responded, "No, Mommy, that is not what I want you to tell me!" I did manage to calm her down and she told me that 3 girls in her class were reading together, and went she approached them to ask if she could read too, they covered up the book so she couldn't see it, and turned away from her. I knew she wasn't making this up b/c I had observed this happening last week at Meet and Greet. At the time I thought that they must be friends from outside school, but still thought it pretty crappy for them to exclude another child like that. I know your child can't be friends with everyone, but Kindergarten cliques, come on! I finally got her to focus on some of the more postive aspects of her day, the ones she had been telling me about up until bedtime, and that seemed to make her feel better.
I also sent her teacher an email, asking if she had been ok during the day, and letting her know what had happened at bedtime. Sophie has lucked out with a great teacher, she not only emailed me right back, at 10:30pm, but called me the next morning when I got back from the bus stop to make sure I had received her email. Sophie had a great first day, she told me, she was fine at school. She assured me that falling apart at home was quite normal, and that it really took until December for the children to adjust to being so busy for a full day. She also thanked me for letting her know about the "mean girls" and said she would nip that in the bud. Sophie came home on Tuesday and happily told me that they had let her play with them. That night at bedtime, she only sobbed for about 10 minutes. Each day has gotten better and I have not heard the "don't make me go back" mantra since Tuesday night. But boy, she is TIRED. Tonight at 5:45 she told me she wanted to take a nap. No nap, just in the tub at 6pm, and asleep at 6:30. With no complaints, that is how I know she is really tired.
And Michael and Emily? They are fighting a stomach bug. Yesterday after nap Emily woke up lethargic and burning up. Her temp was 102 and after 10 minutes of laying on me in the rocking chair, she threw up all over both of us. No Meet and Greet for her this morning at Mt Zion. And my blogging was just interrupted for about 30 minutes. Michael woke up with the cry that let's you know something is wrong, he is now burning up, and after sitting with him for about 10 minutes, he threw up all over both of us as well. So, a quick bath for him, and he fell sound asleep while I was getting his clean pj's on. Don't think the three of us will be going to my Media Center (why can't they just call it the library?) orientation tomorrow at Soph's school, which is just as well. We could use a quiet day at home, this Kindergarten stuff is exhausting!
Brad posing for his Heisman with Tom.
Kel missed her appnt to have her sutures removed. Not a problem, Aunt Mary is up to the job. The girls making brownies.
Who needs waffles and bananas when you can have Froot Loops??
Rad Brad and Sophie.
Kelly is amazed at Emily's tenacity with the bucket full of water. Can two babies fit in this bucket??
My stud nephews, Tom and Alex show their stuff in Tom's daily Boot Camp session.
Connect 4, our new favorite game.
Leslie entertaining the troops, it's so nice to have an older cousin who can read!
Jack, Brendan, me, Michael and Brad sharing a special moment.......
More to come.....just in case this isn't enough!