Friday, February 22, 2008
Rosy Posy
Sailing Away
We had a fun day, they started by playing hide and seek in the basement, then made boats out of boxes and empty wrapping paper tubes, and lots of packing tape. This project took on a life of it's own, as Noah decided to make his a Nick Jr boat, and Sophie a Disney boat. Oh, and each boat had a cell phone as well; Noah told us his was an Ipod too. (Yes, they live in a different world than the one I grew up in....B&W TV until I was a junior in high school, one phone in the entire house and it was located in the kitchen, woe was me!) They spent the morning creating their boats, trying to keep them safe from Michael and Emily, then "sailed" themselves around the house. Kathleen came over with Samuel about 1:30 to pick Noah up, and we had a chance to visit as well. For a cold and rainy day, it was perfect. Kids play, moms visit, what more could you ask for??

Sunday, February 17, 2008
Fun and Games
Of course, Michael had to go the extra mile to climb up on the chair, and try and throw himself on the sheet that was the tent covering. I did put the camera down in time to stop him.
Another new game they enjoy, and could do over and over and over, is taking turns riding in Michael's tonka truck. They start in the kitchen, ride down the short hallway to the family room, where someone "catches" them. Here's Emily tonight after dinner, trying her best to catch Sophie.
For Sophie, dressing up is the be all and end all right now. The gaudier, the better. While I was reading to the twins tonight, she was in her room getting gussied up, complete with perfume and lip gloss.
Valentine Kerchief: from Aunt Mary.
Ariel Sunglasses: a Happy Meal toy.
HSM pj's: just got yesterday from Nana.
Garrish tutu: $3 at Walmart.
Being the best dressed 6 year old around: Priceless
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Potty Talk
Emily is making great progress, today she asked her teacher at school to take her to the potty, sat and did her business without a problem. YAY Emmy! I would say she is 90 percent trained for poop, and about 15 percent on tinkle. (sorry about the potty talk, it's just the terms we use in our house, so I am used to hearing these words, over and over, every day). I think I may have to show her the cool fairy panties Aunt Mary got her, and see if that sparks an interest in staying dry as well.
Michael is now beginning to show some interest, and I think this is coming about because he sees what his sister is doing, and doesn't want to be left out. He sits, we read, he jumps up and says "yay, Mi-kel do it", when he has done nothing. That's ok, I will sit with him whenever he wants, one of those times it might just happen. Tonight I learned that he may really know what he is talking about. Terry was with us tonight for dinner and bath, and in less than 45 minutes had changed Michael twice, both huge messes. So when I put him and Emily in the bathtub and he kind of squatted and told me "poop on potty", I didn't believe it. I turned to get the towel, and Emily started shrieking, I thought he had bit her. When I turned back around, the tub was full, and I mean full, of poop. Poor Emily was trying to stand up and get away, while Michael just looked up and said, "Mi-kel poop, Mommy".
Guess I'll start believing him now.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Super Fun Tuesday
Also a short film of them going up the stairs. I ask them about their classmate, Fisher, because last Thursday Miss Marsha told me that Michael had bit Fisher. Yikes, I have that child! Not only is Fisher a sweet little guy, but in the past week he got a new baby sister, whose name is ironically, Sophie. And his father is the Youth Pastor of the church. We talked about it at home, and Emily spent the weekend telling Michael, "No bite 'isher Mi-kels". There were no incidents today.
Yesterday I went to the Y for the first time in easily 3-4 months. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes, then some upper body weights. I have shin splints today, how pathetic is that? Just tells me I need to make it a regular thing. The kids love their nursery, they just remodeled and expanded it. The Y is literally 5 minutes from our house, I have no excuse not to make it there several times a week. So that's my new goal for non-school mornings. Michael did hit someone in the nursery yesterday though, it was a child about his age that stole his toy. Guess we need to work on sharing more....