Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
We had a good day too!

Mike was great carrying the bag, but once at school, pulled his name card right off the bulletin board when I pointed it out to him. Whoops, guess he thought it was his to take home. Emily had no problem hanging up her bag below her name. Mike just kind of held his up to the hook, like it was going to magically jump from his outstretched fingers all by itself. I know he'll get the hang of it soon enough. Here's one more picture the teacher sent.
They were wiped out when I picked them up. Lunch was refused by both, and a nap couldn't happen fast enough.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A Toss Up
Our two sale coordinators ran the past 3 sales and they resigned after this one. They did such a great job automating the system with consignment software that scans the bar code on each item's tag. Our club was desperate for volunteers for the Spring, if no one volunteered to run it, we wouldn't have one....so yes, I volunteered. Me and two other ladies will be working together to pull it all off. It is such a team effort, if you sell you participate in the set up, work the sale, and tear it all down. It comes together quite nicely. Still, though, I am sure "being in charge" will have it's challenges, (like finding a new suitable venue that is a good location, but also affordable) and I am looking forward to that. Taking on a challenge and seeing tangible results is something I don't get on a daily basis and I really enjoyed the sense of accomplishment I felt today.
Terry was a huge help, he was there with us all day yesterday and today. There were only 3 husbands that helped out, the rest had kid duty at home. Luckily, we have Nana who stays overnight so both of us can work. Part of my earnings will be spent on massages for both of us, I am currently typing this with an ice pack on my back, and Terry just told me he hasn't been this sore in ages. You can imagine the hubbys did the grunt work, although we women worked our tails off as well.
In equally exciting news.......ta da....Michael and Emily start back to preschool on Monday. They will be in the older 2's class, and will go MWF mornings. Their teachers are favorites of ours, Sophie had them years ago too. Miss Sharon has set up a blog for their class, you can see it here. We had meet and greet on Friday morning, don't we look all happy with our cheesy grins?
Monday, August 11, 2008
I had a good day.....
Here she is dealing with the dreaded new sneakers. She didn't have a meltdown, just asked for my help in getting them to feel comfortable, a huge leap from last year.

Yearly pose in the dawn's early light; her bus arrives at 7:03. He was about 5 minutes early this morning, but did wait for us while we sprinted up the rest of the hill.
Later on Mike enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, undisturbed by big sister. It always amazes me how taking 1 child out of the equation makes things so much more peaceful.......
Her report this afternoon was very postive, loved pretty much everything about her day, class and teacher. We played outside after dinner, it was so nice tonight, and no meltdown at bedtime at all. It's nice that the adjustment will be easier for all of us this year.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
A Post for Uncle Tom

Sophie then had fun taking pictures of them as they watched from the kitchen.
Oh, and she was pretty pleased with this shot, she worked hard to get this photo of her shadow.
Here's Terry doing the front of the house, just tilting my head to look at him that high made me nauseous. He did a great job, now they are done, the ladder has been returned to Dad, and we are all off to bed...as tomorrow is THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
First stop: Sears to check out the Land's End stuff. Adorable skorts and co-ordinating tops, capris, shoes. All greatly reduced. All in the style I deem appropriate for an almost 7 year old, which means, not hoochie mama. All uncomfortable. Every single thing she tried on...uncomfortable. I really wish I had taken a video so you could see her contortions as she tried to explain to me...I can feel the seams....ugh this has a collar, I can't stand a collar...oh no, there is elastic at the sleeve, can't stand that either.
We left there with nothing, and headed over to the Carter's store. I didn't realize their girl stuff only goes up to 6X, but in skorts, that would have been fine for her. Again, found some cute ones, again, uncomfortable. That's ok, I used my 20% off coupon for Michael and Emily. Just an aside, but the 2T pants I bought for Mike, who will be 3 this fall...they literally fell off of him. Goodness knows what size he will go down to once the diaper is gone.
So on to Target, where I guess I should have started in the first place. By this time Sophie was sitting in the cart, I was doing the choosing, and things were moving fast. As we started into the dressing room, I told her I was feeling lucky. With a little finessing on my part, we found 3 pairs of shorts and 4 tops to buy. (The finessing was all about the adjustable waist, it has to be just so, big enough to breathe, but not too big to be objectionable) The tops were all the same, just in different colors. Terry's comment to me when she showed him her new stuff, was "So basically you got all the same shirts right?" That is correct, 4 variations of the same t-shirt, with different designs on the front, no collar, no applique that you can feel through the shirt, no horrid seam.
She still needs new sneakers, but neither one of us could face that today.
Each store we were in had a uniform section, many public schools are going to that. Not ours unfortunately. How simple would that be??