So Terry and I are not the most athletic people in the world. He played soccer in high school, and I played (or sat on the bench) for basketball, softball and tennis. Actually, I had the most success at tennis, and before the kids came along, was on a successful ALTA team that I really enjoyed. But, look what our kid can do!!
Miss Sharon assures me that Gabriella wasn't really hurt, that it only looks like Michael is clobbering her in the head. This happened during Movement, the teacher wanted to see who had mastered jumping with two feet, which is a 3 year old skill. I would say Mike has it down pat.
Their Movment teacher is great. Her own children play lacrosse, and she introduced the preschool kids to it. She dressed in all her protective gear, and had them running around the gym picking up the balls with their sticks. Emily is the second child from the right in this shot. Kel, what do you think? Maybe you can give them some pointers next time we see you.
And, of course, a fun (and carefully cropped) bath shot. They are almost getting too big for me to bathe together. Each of them like to swim, and there's just not enough room in the tub for that!