Friday, September 26, 2008

Athlete in the Family??

So Terry and I are not the most athletic people in the world. He played soccer in high school, and I played (or sat on the bench) for basketball, softball and tennis. Actually, I had the most success at tennis, and before the kids came along, was on a successful ALTA team that I really enjoyed. But, look what our kid can do!!

Miss Sharon assures me that Gabriella wasn't really hurt, that it only looks like Michael is clobbering her in the head. This happened during Movement, the teacher wanted to see who had mastered jumping with two feet, which is a 3 year old skill. I would say Mike has it down pat.

Their Movment teacher is great. Her own children play lacrosse, and she introduced the preschool kids to it. She dressed in all her protective gear, and had them running around the gym picking up the balls with their sticks. Emily is the second child from the right in this shot. Kel, what do you think? Maybe you can give them some pointers next time we see you.

And, of course, a fun (and carefully cropped) bath shot. They are almost getting too big for me to bathe together. Each of them like to swim, and there's just not enough room in the tub for that!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Photo Op

Michael and Emily had their photos taken at school on Wednesday. Their teacher sent me these "outakes" of Emily posing, and the class practicing nice smiles, then their silly smiles. Notice my two, Mike with his trademark scary face, and Emily with her tongue stuck out.

It will be interesting to see how the real photos turn out!
In other news, Sophie has acheived full Maier crazy reader status. Last night I found her reading by the light of her night light and a flashlight in her room about 10 minutes after I had tucked her in. She had made a little nest with her extra blanket and was quite comfy. Brought back many memories of staying up waaay too late reading the Little House on the Prarie books. And in more recent memory, Harry Potter. Good times!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Brownies at the Braves

Sunday was Girl Scout Day at the Braves Game. Sophie and I went, while Terry took Michael and Emily on a fun trip to Office Max and Wal-Mart. Here she is wearing her troop shirt.

Before the game, all the Scouts got to walk the track around the field. The parade probably lasted about 30 minutes, there must have been 1000 or so girls and their leaders. Sophie didn't really get the significance of being down on the field, as she told me later, "That was a long walk, Mom!" Rosie was her buddy, and as you can see, they listened well and held hands around the entire track.

Our seats were General Admission, so we were waaayyy up there. But it was nice since we were in the shade, and had a lovely breeze. Sophie's favorite parts of the day: the large screen TV (jumbotron) and the cotton candy. We made it all the way to the end of the 5th inning, not bad for her first time at a ballgame.