An example from today....I had a commitment with Terry this morning which would run past the time the twins get out of preschool. I had my sitter coming, but asked Kathleen if she could pick them up at school and bring them home to meet the sitter. Of course, no problem. Then I ran short on time this morning and called to see if she could bring them to school as well. Again, no problem. So, after being able to shower and get ready in peace, Terry and I were on our way. About 20 minutes from home, I realized I didn't have my cell phone. No big deal, what could happen?
Here's what 10:30 Michael threw up at school. Of course they tried me at home and on my cell, no answer. So then they called Kathleen, who was out running errands. She immediately went to school, got both kids and brought them to my house. Michael proceeded to throw up twice more in her car. She gave him a bath and put clean clothes on him, and settled him on the couch. Then she fed Emily lunch. Then the sitter arrived. The sitter was a little nervous about putting Michael down for a nap, but Kathleen assured her he was old enough and would not choke if he threw up again. At 2pm on our way home, I called her to see how it went. She nonchalantly told me all this, no big deal. Of course, I felt awful since she has been home with her own sick kids all week, and needed this day to run errands. But really, it was no big deal, she assured me. And you know what, I know that it wasn't for her.
I am so fortunate to have people like Kathleen in my life. To have friends who will take care of your vomiting child.....that's an amazing gift in my book!
Here's Michael and Emily enjoying the Bear Cave before the "incident". What amazes me is he looks totally fine, who could have known he's be so sick in just an hour?