My mother in law Pam, is a great photographer. She is always ready with her camera to document our most important family moments. She took so many photos the night the twins were born, and believe it or not, I am just now finding the time to go through them. I will spare you the photos of Michael and Emily right after birth, they are truely shots only a parent (or grandparent) could love. Here is my absolute favorite from the stay in the hospital, when Pam brought Sophie in to meet her brother and sister for the first time. This is me holding Emily and Sophie saying hello to her.
The next photo is another one of my favorites, I came across it when I was searching my files. The date on it says June 72, but that is most likely the date the film was developed, rather than when the photo was taken. Michael looks to be about 4-5 ms old, which would make me 6. I love how he has my pigtail in his hand. I can totally remember him in that bassinette, Mom probably put him in there for his own safety!
Dor- some good looking babies- even the one with the long head; what am I sitting in, some sort of baby beach chair?
Mike, We'll have to ask Mom to comment on that, but yes, it sure does look like a baby beach chair. I also love the satiny cover on the bassinette, you sure were in the lap of luxury! Dor
Precious photos! Boy, I can really see how much James looks like Mike, especially through the eyes.
Dor - great pictures. That one of you and Mike is pre tornado top?
The white plastic seat he was in has a strap that is not on; I think it doubled as a car seat. Mike was a cute baby and also a great babe magnet at high school football games in 1974-75. TM Jr.
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