One of the drawbacks of not having a digital camera is that you can't post pictures immediately. I just haven't bit the bullet yet, I figure when things settle down, I will be ready to lean another new skill. So, keeping that in mind, here are some photos from late February, I just now found the disc and downloaded it....oh well, better late than never!
Michael and Emily were so jealous of Cousin James' Robeez, that I had to buy some for them. They really like them, when they manage to keep them on!
Cousin Brendan turned 1 on April 4th. Here is a shot of him and Grandma Maier on his recent visit to Atlanta. He and parents Joe and Peg will be moving into their new home in PA in early May. Congrats to all!
Here is a shot of Sophie, Michael and Emily in the backyard. This was a day in early March when I was doing yardwork. The kids join me; Sophie plays on the swingset and runs over to check on the babies for me. I love this stroller, it is a Double Snap n Go, and is so handy. Their carseats click right in the frame. The frame itself is so lightweight. We should be able to get almost of full year out of this before going to a heavier double stroller, which I dread. My friend Sharon (http://hembreehouse.blogspot.com) picked this up for me at the Twins Consignment sale, she got it for $40.00, they retail new for $150. The bargain price makes me like it even more!
PS to Mike and Kat, or any other skilled bloggers: Ok, I finally realized there is an icon to set up a link in the body of your post, but how do I get it to link without the web address showing?? any thoughts??
Highlight the word in your text that you want to link and then click on the linking icon (looks like a chain) and put the webaddress in there. It should make your highlighted word blue but not show the address.
Cute photos!
Thanks for your support on the weaning.
Good for you, updating your blog with regular pictures. I still have a time doing digital. Just read steph's advice and have not been able to do that yet. Love the pictures, but who is that old Grandma....
You are very welcome, hope it is going well. And thanks for the link advice, I am going to try it now, I think my mother was happy to see it too!
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