How does it happen that your children grow up right in front of you and you never realize it? Today it hit me how independent Sophie is becoming. She dresses herself with no help from me, although, thankfully, she insists that I pick out her clothes. Brushing her teeth and washing her face and hands, complete with drying: not a problem. Yesterday at Publix she went to the bakery and asked the lady for the free cookie all by herself, while I watched from my place at the deli. The look on her face when she turned around with cookie in hand was priceless. The newest and most exciting skill in my book: she can buckle her own seat belt. This is huge because she is in the last row in the van, and to buckle her in I have to open the hatch and do it from behind her. She saw Noah do it a few weeks ago, and was determined to learn. Today at the pool she swam (with no floatation device) in the shallow end while I watched from the steps. And when she had to use the restroom, she took herself. (Don't worry, it was only 10 feet from me, and I could see her the whole time)
It seems like only yesterday she was Michael and Emily's age. What's next, college?
WOW! What a big girl she is! It is so nice (and also so scary) when they begin to show some independence.
No sweetie, unfortunately, before college comes the car keys!!!!!!! Yipes!!!! Marilyn
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