I don't have any new pictures to post, and nothing too exciting has happened this week, but here is an update anyway......
I have added the link for my nephew Frank's blog, it is
Carpe Diem. Frank left last week to go to Taiwan for a year. He will teach English to grade school children, and will also introduce them to American culture. He graduated from Appalachian State this past spring, and plans on going to law school. Frank is our oldest nephew, and first grandchild, as he is fond of pointing out. He and his father came to Atlanta for the Notre Dame/Tech game last weekend, and we were able to spend some time with them. Sophie LOVED Frank, and was very disappointed when he left. I haven't seen much of him in the past few years, and was impressed at what a well rounded young man he has turned into. I know he will have a lot of adventures in Taiwan, and look forward to keeping in better touch.
In baby news, Emily has had a horrible diaper rash...yes, this is the excitement in my life. It got so bad I had to take her to the pediatrician. Turns out her varied diet is to blame, and the output from that is irritating to her skin. (Tried to be as delicate as possible in my description of the problem!) I have been
making their food since they started on solids, so she is getting the real thing and sometimes that can be more abrasive. The doctor told me to make a paste of Vaseline and cornstarch, and use it with every diaper change. It looks like Crisco, but has worked really well. Overnight the change was incredible. She still has some blisters, but nothing compared to what it was a few days ago. And to top it off, my mother was right...AGAIN. She had been touting the virtues of cornstarch, but I was reluctant to try anything new before we saw the doctor.
The other thing my mother was right about....the playpen, or as we call it these days, the pack and play. She has been subtly hinting that I should be using it, but I just hadn't seen the need, as they are pretty good at staying in the family room. With Emily's rash, she needed to "air out" and the only place to contain her was the pack and play, lined with a waterproof sheet. I put her in, gave her some washable toys and she had a blast. So much so that Michael crawled over, pulled himself up, and fussed until I put him in with her. They played and laughed with each other for 40 minutes; I was astounded. So, now we have a new place for containment, which also serves as a barrier between the family room and the kitchen.
And I have learned that yes, mother does (sometimes) know best!