Here she is in all her glory:
We also had to get a shot of her with Michael and Emily, and Miss Sity. Miss Sity is a wonderful lady, and has been taking care of the babies one morning a week since January. That is my day to take Sophie to school myself, walk her in unencumbered, and then get tons of errands done before picking her up. The kids all love Miss do I! Michael and Emily have a new pastime, it is one Sophie loved at their age. It is called: Stand at the window and see what's going on. This can occupy them, especially Michael, for 20 minutes at a stretch. As soon as they are down on the floor after breakfast, they make a break for the window in the family room. Can you tell who is who is this photo?
Michael's other big accomplishment.......drum roll, please....he can sit unassisted!! Granted, he would rather not sit still, there is too much to see and do on the move, but he can do it if necessary.
Another fun pastime for the twins, stealing whatever toy the other one has. They do not get mad about it, they are laughing as they swipe it back and forth. So far so good in that regard, no screaming matches yet.
Notice how unfazed Emily is when Michael ends up with both the spatula AND the leftover dish. She knows there is more to life than Mom's old kitchen stuff.....
And of course, the ever popular "baby in a box". Childhood wouldn't be complete without it! As you can see, they are so much fun right now. 10 months old and almost walking, just like their big sister. We have lots of bumps and bruises between the two of them, I think Michael has a bruise on his forehead constantly. But that doesn't slow him down. He barely even cries anymore when he "bonks" as Sophie calls it. I can't believe they will be a year in less then two months, time does fly.
Great pictures Dor! They are all beautiful. Love you lots. Joan
How did you manage to do all those pictures, they are super. One in the box is especially cute. I did notice the time was after 10pm - a Mother's work is never done.
Precious, precious pictures. I especially love the one next to the window!
I love your photos! It's so cool to see our kids getting bigger. : )
Great idea with the sign. I may have to borrow it next year so I can get an "aww mooom".
how cute is that whole gang... Sohie looks like such a big girl going to school..
ops that was me Dar forgot to put my name Pat
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