All three kiddos had checkups last week, during the same appnt. Note to self: Even though all three have October birthdays, Sophie's appointment should be separate. 5 Goulds, 1 doctor and 1 nurse, plus a double stroller, make for a slightly crowded and confusing exam room!
Stats are as follows:
Sophie: 5 years
42 lbs. / 60th percentile
43 ins. / 55th percentile
Now I know I can say "No" when strangers ask me if she is tall for her age.
Michael: 1 year
19 lbs, 10 oz. / 7th percentile (yes, 7th, not 70th)
30 inches / 50th percentile
Emily: 1 year
19 lbs, 4 oz / 15th percentile
28 inches / 20th percentile
So, we have one long and lean, and one like a butterball. And just yesterday that butterball took her first solo steps. It was hilarious to watch. Today she can manage about 8-10 steps total before she sits down hard on the floor. But she is SO determined. Since this epiphany yesterday (i can walk without holding on!!) it is all she has wanted to do.
We went to the pumpkin patch at Sophie's school right before Halloween. My sister Mary and her son Dave (age 10) were visiting. Here are the pics........

How are all my babies?? I'm sure Emily will be running soon.. Dar you won't need to go to the gym, you got it right there. ha ha Tell Sophie that I miss Babyland.. love pat
Pat, Sophie just told me today that you called the family room Babyland, I laughed out loud at that one! They miss you too, I get a little more info every day from Soph...for instance, Kelly is going to fly down and get her and take her to NJ next summer? Can't wait! love, dor
Aunt Dor, I need to see these babies again before they are no longer babies! Love, love, LOVE em's hair bow-too cute! Tell Soph I can't wait to bring her to NJ! Talk to you soon! love, kell
Kel, You are welcome anytime. We would all love to see you. Sophie asked me today, "Can Kel drive?" I love how she calls you Kel, it's like she's 15. Em got her hair cut yesterday, we got rid of the baby mullet, and he shaped it a bit on top, now she is getting curly all over, it is really cute. Will post more pics as i get them, mikey shrieking, gotta run! love, AD
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