Saturday, December 30, 2006

If you are able

Please consider donating blood this Holiday Season. The Red Cross is in desperate need, as 25% of their supply comes from college and high school drives. With schools closed, their supply really shrinks.

My blood type is O-, which is the universal donor. I have been a donor since 1986. I was in college and there was a blood drive on campus. Being a melodramatic adolescent, I was waffling with whether or not to give, not really being thrilled about needles. Then someone ran up from the Student Union and told us the Challenger had exploded. That changed my mind, and I have been donating ever since. Being O- means I receive a call whenever they are in great need, and I did a few days ago. I went to donate yesterday, but my iron level was too low. That is the first time I had ever been deferred, and it was disappointing. So, I decided the best way to make it up was to spread the word. They gave me a list of foods to eat more of, and suggested I take a multivitamin. My plan is to work on that, and try again in 2 weeks.

Donated blood helps many people, not the least of which are those undergoing chemo and in need of transfusions. The whole process takes about an hour and is almost painless. You get to recline in a nice chair and watch TV. Plus cookies and juice afterward...what more could you ask for? See their website for more info and to locate a donation center in your area.

I hope I have inspired someone to help save a life today!

1 comment:

StephB said...

Thanks for the inspiration. I've been donating since college too but have not done it since the girls being born.

I'll go and do it after my race is over next week. I'm A+. Not universal, but very easy to remember. : )

Nuts, cereal, spinach, steak. All very yummy.

By the way, thanks also for the poison control number. Lotrimin cream is apparently not harmful, but it was scary that Dagny ate some.