We have all been a bit stir crazy here. ( and yes, I know I have nothing to complain about compared to all my relatives up north, but try entertaining two 15 mth olds all day, in the same few rooms....it gets old after awhile) The weather has been cold for Atlanta, only in the low 40's if that during the day. Too cold to get Michael and Emily all dressed to go outside, since they would only last about 10 minutes. Yesterday was a beautiful day, more seasonable for us, the high reached almost 60 degrees. We were outside for most of the afternoon. Terry spotted Sophie while she rode her bike down the sidewalk. I attempted to follow behind them, with Michael and Emily each holding one of my hands. I wish I had pictures of that, as it was pretty comical. Michael is very good about staying with me, but Emily wants to wander, and gives me a look when I try to hold her hand. Very independent young lady she is! We did manage to make it down to the cul de sac in one piece, and then they played on our neighbor's lawn while we chatted with said neighbors. Back home again, we played in the backyard for some time. The fresh air wore everyone out, Emily cried during her bath because she was so tired, and fell asleep as I was putting her pajamas on. Michael and Sophie were not far behind. A fun President's day for all.

Emily takes the first steps into the great outdoors.
Michael and Emily's best new trick: each of them take off in a different direction. Very effective for giving Mom or Dad some exercise.
Not to be outdone, Sophie has her own bag of tricks. This one is called "statue". Her favorite time to practice this would be at bedtime, or when she is supposed to be getting dressed in the morning.

Daddy and Sophie playing "jai lai", or as she calls it: Catch. And yes, she likes you to stand that close to her. Although yesterday she was really improving at catching the ball.
Michael in the swing, chewing on the stem of a sweetgum ball.
Girls by the daffodils. These return year after year. I didn't plant them, but in the 10 years we have lived here, they are always the first flower up each Spring.
Michael making a get away.
Sophie totally looks like Mom when she is scrambling eggs! I sympathise with getting out in the weather- today we went out in the rain anyway, but things are a bit wetter here- you have no choice.
Yeah - outside time! : )
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