This morning at about 2am I was on my way back to bed after giving Michael some Motrin. (Will the molar madness ever end??) Even though I was trying not to fully awaken, I couldn't miss the form of Sophie on the floor in her doorway. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me her foot was "itching like crazy, Mom", so we turned on the light to get a better look. It looked like mosquito bites, so I applied some Benedryl gel and tucked her back in. She was up again at 5:30, and this time went down to the twins room where Terry was getting Emily back to sleep. (She has a cold and keeps waking herself up b/c she can't suck on her paci and breathe at the same time.) I heard her tell him her whole body itched and his reply was, "Let's go show Mommy." At that hour, with little sleep behind us, we were sure it was chicken pox. After I spent the morning keeping her away from her brother and sister, we got in to see the dr. Turns out it is an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin she started 8 days ago for her sinus infection. The rash is profound, over every inch of her body, in her hair, even b/t her fingers and toes. And itchy!! The dr advised me to stop the antibiotic and put her on orapred. Orapred works fast; it is a low dose steroid and should knock out the rash in 24-48 hrs. It should stop the itch much sooner than that. The downside is one of the main side effects, which is your child is usually bouncing off the walls after taking it. Luckily, it is a smaller dose than normal, and I am able to give her Benadryl along with it. She had no problem falling asleep tonight. She wants to go to school tomorrow, but doesn't want anyone to make fun of her spots...hearing that brought a tear to my eye. Tomorrow is Kindergarten registration, so if she doesn't make it to preschool, she will be able to come with me to see her new school.
And also in the rash department, it seems that Michael has prickly heat, another similarity between him and his Uncle Mike, (see his somewhat curly hair in the pics) whom I always remember having it when we were kids. Before all this rashiness set in, we enjoyed a GREAT weekend with the warm weather. Spring has arrived with summerlike temps, and we were able have fun with bubbles on the deck, and even a dip in the pool. Here are some pics:

Great photos, Dorothy! I love seeing Emily looking so fierce and determined! And Michael the climbing machine. :)
We are itch central at my house too - darn pollen.
Peg, I threw that picture in just for you...I have more if you are interested. Sophie did really well at school, she was a bit shy going in, but all the teachers had a story to tell her about someone they knew with allergy hives, so that made her feel better. Today they are much more faded, we are hoping for fully gone by tomorrow.
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