Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Power of One

Today was supposed to be my Y day, but Michael has had some GI issues the past few days, plus a green runny nose. Terry offered to keep him at home, while I took Emily with me. We took Sophie to school, and Emily got to come in with me; when I have both, we do carpool. It was nice to be able to walk Sophie to her room, and to let Emily see where she will be 2 mornings a week starting next fall. As we left school, the tempation was just too strong...go to the Y when I only have one child with me? Why not Kohl's instead?? I had a coupon burning a hole in my purse, and the thought of not dealing with a double stroller was just too tempting. We pulled in to Kohl's, I carried Emily in, and used their stroller. When you have twins, this doesn't happen until they are at least 2 1/2 or so. No way could I manage to get them from the car to the store without using my own stroller. No diaper bag to carry, a cup and snack fit nicely in my purse. How liberating! We had fun shopping, and even ran into another mom with 11 mth old twins, whom of course we had to chat with. (It's the Dotty in me!) Hers aren't walking yet, and she wanted to know when mine did, and if walking would make things easier. Ha! It does make a lot of things easier, but the containment factor becomes much more important. On the way home from Kohl's I realized I wanted to see if Kmart had the sippy cups I had been looking for. Fine, just pull in and again, carry in Emily...wow, so easy!

Terry and Michael had a fine time at home. They were busy removing the old shelves from our office closet to make room for the new improved storage system. Then they took a long walk up and down the street. Emily was asleep when we got home, and Michael was in his chair trying to eat yogurt, but only managing to rub his eyes. I guess all that one on one attention tired them both out!


Mike Maier said...

Dor- It makes me appreciate just trying to keep up with one. Are they climbing up everything and saying 'no' all the time? Thats is where we are recently...

StephB said...

It's amazing what you can accomplish with only one kid. And, if you add a biscotti into the mix, unstoppable! : )

We are enjoying "chase" right now, especially when Mom is trying to apply coats or sweaters.

Dorothy Gould said...

Mike, they are climbing, esp Emily. That girl is fearless! We haven't hit "no" yet, our only real words are "dada" and "fffttt", which is the universal sound for all animals. Can't wait to throw James into our mix!

Steph, We love chase too,esp Emily when she has something she is not supposed to have, she knows instantly and runs in the other direction. Sounds like she and Dagny are on the same page.....