Tuesday, November 27, 2007
You're Stalling.....
As I was getting Michael ready for bed, he kept pushing the clean diaper away and was telling me, "go pa-tee, go pa-tee". I hesitated, as he has never done anything on the potty, and really, I just wanted to get everyone in pj's and in bed, and be done for the night. But....you never know when they might actually go. So I let him down; he looked up at me and said, "Ma-chel jump" as he hopped around the room. I reminded him that he was down to use the potty, and he ran over to it and sat down. He took a quick look down, said "psssssssss" then looked up at me and said "all done, yay ma-chel!" He hopped up, looked proudly in the potty and began clapping for himself. Sophie looked at me and said "Mom, that is one crazy kid!" I told her that might be so, but we should at least applaud his effort. So we did. He beamed, very proud of himself.
Who knows, maybe one day soon he will actually produce....at least he knows what it is supposed to sound like!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
My turkeys
We had a lovely Thanksgiving in Peachtree City. Pam outdid herself with dinner, and I have been happily enjoying the leftovers. (Tonight I used the last of them in a Turkey Tettrazini for tomorrow night...thinking of you Joe O!) Here's Sophie "helping" Grandma with the potatoes.....
Terry and Emily relaxing on the couch post-dinner.
Emily wondering if anyone would notice if she had just a bit more pie....
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Trash Bag Pill-drums

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sick Day #2
A big thank you to Grandma and Grandpa for agreeing to take Emily for "an hour or so" this morning. It would have been a nightmare if she had been along with us. Her visit turned into all day, as I didn't get back there to pick her up till 4:30. Luckily they have a pack and play, and she was able to nap. From what I heard, Grandpa took his nap when she did!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Sick Day
Sophie and I took a nap when the twins did, which was lovely, I have to admit. Michael's cough has kept both me and him up the past few nights, so it felt good to catch up on my sleep. By the afternoon, I had given up on my chore list for the day anyway, what better way to spend it than napping?
Terry came over after work and they all went down to the basement while I made dinner. Sophie really wanted to play pool, so here they all are. It was funny watching Michael "help".

Friday, November 09, 2007
Family Dinner?

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Double Digits
Everything else checked out well, and the only shot they needed was for the flu. Emily was pretty funny about that, when it was over and she was done crying, she looked up at the tech and said, "Mien, boo boo, no!" which I translated to mean, "That %^&*^* man gave me a boo boo and I do NOT like it!" She repeated that phrase several times yesterday, and even today.
Funny incident of the day: I had placed an unopened box of tissues in their room on the bookcase, I had thought it was out of their reach. I left them for a few moments, and when I came back in, they were sitting on the floor, surrounded by tissues. Emily was having a fine time pulling them out, and Michael would hold them up to his nose, say "a choo" then throw them to the floor. As I approached the room, Michael saw me and the look on my face, and ran and hid behind the rocker. Emily gave me a glance, and went right on pulling them out of the box. Then she held one out to me and said "ti-shoe mommy?" Yeah, I'm in for it with her.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
And so it begins....
While I was looking through the pants for her size, she wandered over to look at the dresses. She came running back to me, excited about a dress she wanted for Christmas. We had unsuccessfully tried on 3 that morning that I had picked up at Kohls. They were variations on black velvet/blackwatch plaid, very cute, very traditional, and would match the hand me down of Sophie's that Emily will wear this year. Here is the dress she loved, just had to get, can I try it on and if it fits, can I PUULLLLEASE get it Mom? A bit different from what I had in mind....kind of Santa-ish, kind of Christmas-tacky-ish.....not even taffeta or velvet, for goodness sake....but (gasp) polyester!
Once in the dressing room, it was the first thing she tried on, and she loved it. It fits, it's SOOOO comfortable, can I wear it to PSR tomorrow? This is the first time she has been that excited about an article of clothing, and a dress no less. Envisioning the lack of arguments on Christmas Eve and Day, and seeing the look on her face, I agreed that we should get it. But no, we won't be wearing it to Mass tomorrow, I think it's a bit early for that.
Guess my little girl is coming into her own....no more Talbot's-style plaid for her, give her a fake fur collar and cuffs, and she is all set. Big sigh......
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Later that afternoon, Terry and Sophie carved the pumpkins while Michael and Emily and I had a nap. They did a great job.

Sophie's costume was Cinderella, and she could have used a white shirt underneath it to keep the sleeves up, but she only wanted to wear an undershirt. I think she looked a little bit like a Cinderella barmaid, as the sleeves kept falling down. Luckily it cooled off, and we stopped by the house for a sweater after about 20 minutes. Michael and Emily enjoyed their stroller ride and visiting with the neighbors. One of our neighbors does a great job transforming his front yard into a graveyard. Tombstones, hanging skeletons, blue lights, tiki torches and a smoke machine all set the mood. Here's Sophie braving the ghosts to get her candy, and Michael and Emily's reaction to it all.
We made it to more houses this year than ever before, and after coming home to peruse the loot, Sophie was ready for bed. She was asleep by 8:15, and Things 1 and 2 followed soon after. By 9 the steady stream of trick or treaters had stopped.