Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Double Digits

Michael and Emily had their 2 year well visit yesterday, and they are now in double digits for both height and weight. At 18 ms, they were in the 5th (M) and 8th (E) percentile for weight. Yesterday Michael weighed in at 26 lbs, and Emily at 25, both in the 25th percentile. Their heights were good too, Michael is in the 49th percentile and Emily the 40th. The curious thing is that they each gained 5 lbs in the past 6 months, which doesn't seem huge to me. I guess by comparison it is. Our pediatrician was pleased, and asked if I had finally decided to start feeding them, ha, ha.

Everything else checked out well, and the only shot they needed was for the flu. Emily was pretty funny about that, when it was over and she was done crying, she looked up at the tech and said, "Mien, boo boo, no!" which I translated to mean, "That %^&*^* man gave me a boo boo and I do NOT like it!" She repeated that phrase several times yesterday, and even today.

Funny incident of the day: I had placed an unopened box of tissues in their room on the bookcase, I had thought it was out of their reach. I left them for a few moments, and when I came back in, they were sitting on the floor, surrounded by tissues. Emily was having a fine time pulling them out, and Michael would hold them up to his nose, say "a choo" then throw them to the floor. As I approached the room, Michael saw me and the look on my face, and ran and hid behind the rocker. Emily gave me a glance, and went right on pulling them out of the box. Then she held one out to me and said "ti-shoe mommy?" Yeah, I'm in for it with her.

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