Last week I ended up making about 20 loaves of pumpkin bread; enough for the preschool and kindergarden teachers and other staff, plus our neighbors. I was able to do most of it during nap time, but one batch I did make first thing in the morning. I set Michael and Emily up with some stickers and one marker each at the kitchen table to keep them busy. They both love "art"; especially Emily. She will sit for 40 minutes and sticker a page. Michael enjoys it too, but is not as adept as Emily, as you can see by these pictures:

Her fine motor skills are pretty amazing (in my own unbiased opinion, of course), she has no trouble peeling the backs off of the stickers, and placing them exactly where she wants them. She is also capable of cutting, as I found out the other day. She disappeared, and when I found her in Sophie's room, she was gleefully sitting at the table, going to town on a picture Sophie had drawn. She did a nice job cutting a border all around it. Oh, and her large motor skills are fine as well. About 30 minutes after I put the 3 of them to bed, I was upstairs, and there was Emily, standing in her doorway watching me with a big smile on her face. Apparently, scaling her crib rail poses no problem. (At least it happened at 7:30 pm, and not at 3am, like when Sophie climbed out for the first time, came running and crying down the hall, and scared the you know what out of us.) When I walked her back into her room, she went right to the bookshelf, chose a book and walked back over to her crib. She said "read book in there, mommy". Guess she will be another late night reader....I chose her middle name well!
Dorothy, it finally happened..climbing out of the crib I wondered who would be first and
when..good thing the gate is up.
But can they open the door to the
back stairs? They will be sitting
eating breakfast when you come back
from the bus stop. wonderful pics
Mmmm - I love pumpkin bread. All of our teachers got that also, except for the loaf that rose over the edge of the pan and volcanoed all over my oven. Oops. It's still good though.
Climbing out - holy cow. I'm not ready for that yet.
Steph, We missed you on Thursday! Luckily, she has only done it that one time, it's like she just wanted to know if she could or not. I am keeping my fingers crossed...
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