I think one of the reasons I am so psyched about the upcoming Consignment Sale is that it gives me tangible results of my efforts. Anyone who stays home with little ones knows that there really aren't many of these at the end of the day. Well, for me there's the satisfaction of 3 children happily snoring away by 7:30...but there are still chores to be done, the dishwasher to be loaded or emptied, laundry to be folded or put away, it never ends. I am not complaining, I am very happy in my choice to have children and be home with them. Very happy to be able to enjoy their toddlerhood and childhood because I realize that it is over in the blink of an eye. But, in the words of my favorite mother of multiples
Kate, I feel like some days are spent making a meal, serving a meal, cleaning up a meal....start all over. I think that's why working on a project like the sale is satisfying: it has a beginning and an end. Not to mention getting rid of so much STUFF. This is what is in my closet at the moment. I also have another two full racks in the guestroom. Not shown are the larger items, stroller, saucer, bouncy seats, pool floats. If it all sells, I stand to make over $600.00. Not bad for leftovers and hand me downs.

After running to Target this morning, Michael and Emily were playing in the garage while I made lunch. I heard talk about "let's go potty" and when I went out to investigate, here is what I found. Nice usage of the garden; I'll have to remember to clean it really well before I sell it!
I love the video of them going "potty". Toddlers are so funny.
classic potty moment!! heck - I would let Samuel potty in the "garden" if he would just go!!!
aunt dor, love love love jon & kate plus 8...it is by far my favorite show! at least they're trying to "go potty!"
love, kell
for some reason, my guys had some special moments in the forsythia bushes. I guess it was the right height or something... Mary
Kathleen, Samuel is welcome to come and use our garden anytime.
Kel, Couldn't agree with you more about J&K+8,it's the only show I make the effort to watch. Now
I record it to our DVR, Sophie and I watch it together after school.
as someone who has benefited from your hand me downs, I have to say: some of your second-run stuff looks better than our first-run stuff. you should make a killing at the sale Dor-- your stuff is always immaculate!
Best of luck and can't wait to hang out with the twins in the garden. There has to be some environmental benefit to that, right?
Dor, by the time our clothes get to the 3rd boy they are looking pretty ragged. good luck with the sale - need any hockey skates?
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Must be nice to know your blog is so good that even a stranger likes it. Good luck on the sale, you deserve it. Kudos to Em and Mike and there resoursefullness on potty training.
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