Walking past our front yard, I spotted this on our large sweetgum tree. It was pretty cool so Emily ran to the backyard to get Sophie and Terry. It did wig me out when the kids got a bit close, I had visions of it suddenly attacking. I know, silly, but it does look sort of prehistoric. The body was furry, and it's wings swayed in the breeze. Terry thought that it must have just hatched and was hanging out to dry.
So, anyone know what type of moth this is?
My money's on Kat.....
Wow, that looks like a science fiction moth! Doug might know.
You guys are lucky to have seen a luna moth (actias luna), they only live about a week- they don't eat anything as there only purpose is to make more luna moths in that short time.
Mike (and Katharine)
Thanks guys, it was a really cool moth. Amazing that they don't even eat, you would think they would need energy to make more moths.....
Getting a biology lesson and reading the blog all at one time, cool. How do they reproduce if they do not eat - wonders of science
I remember a walk like that, took forever but they sure enjoyed it.
AMAZING Moth! Gorgeous photos.
We miss you guys!
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