We celebrated Grandpa Gould's birthday a couple of weeks ago in PTC. The golf cart was enjoyed by all, and luckily Jack's parents were visiting and were able to get a Gould family shot.
This past weekend Nana came to visit and got to enjoy her birthday dinner with us. The kids really enjoyed helping her blow out her candles.
On Saturday morning, Sophie had her birthday party (a week before the actual day) at Chuck E. Cheese. Yes, that is correct. One of those places that before you have kids you swear you will never set foot in. One of the greatest lessons I have learned since becoming a mother: never say never.
Here's Michael all confused by the strange phone with a cord attached to it.
Terry and Emily take a spin on the racetrack.
Sophie and her friends Katie and Sarah Kate give it a big thumbs up. Notice who the only one with their two front teeth intact is.....
The horse was a big hit. Pulling on the reins made it go faster, and helped steer it around the video screen track that was the course.
Mike was content to ride it token-less.
Noah and Sophie have shared a bday party since they were 4, but this year each had too many of their own school friends to combine. But he was right there next to her, and at one point I heard her telling her other friends that Noah and she have been friends since they were 2. Then I heard Noah ask her friends Lilly and Bella, "So, how long have you known Sophie, when did you meet her?" It's like they were at a cocktail party.
My absolute favorite thing about the party was the cake, provided by Tom Carvel. What's not to love about ice cream with that layer of chocolate crunchies in the middle. Of course, it's a big joke among parents everywhere that even though you might claim to not like it, the pizza at Chuck E. Cheese is actually pretty good. Terry and Rebekah are all smiles eating theirs.
Happy, happy birthday to all and that is a sweet cake!
And the leftovers are in the freezer, and everyone seems to have forgotten about them, except for me.....
Happy Birthday to all! Is there a Carvel in ATL? Do the have Fudgie the Whale and Cookie-'o-Puss? Those chocolate crunchies were the bomb.
Mike, there's one about 5 minutes from our house. Fudgie the Whale and the Cookie O'Puss are still alive and well. And the Flying Saucers...remember those? mmmmmm
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