Michael and Emily are in the "I do it all by myself" phase, which is time consuming, but necessary. Sophie is in a different search for independence; last evening at the neighborhood pizza party she informed me that she, Maeghan, Bella and Lily would be trick or treating all by themselves. I tried hard not to laugh outright, as I knew none of their mothers would allow this either. This was an ironic turn of events, as just an hour before Sophie asked to speak with me privately, guess she didn't want Terry to hear her angst. Maeghan had asked her to trick or treat on the bus ride home, but so did Lily and Bella. Sophie informed Maeghan she couldn't be just her friend
all the time and that she was going to choose L and B. So Maeghan was miffed and Sophie was worried. Turns out they all hung out at the party, as I told her they would, and the three other girls ended up running off without Sophie. Sophie happily went trick or treating with Sara, another neighborhood friend, and her mother. She didn't want to stick with me and the twins, our pace was certainly turtle-like. Terry was on candy duty at our house, he enjoyed dressing like the Grim Reaper and scaring the little ones. She ended up going to more houses than she ever has and collected a huge haul of candy.
I asked her later how it happened that she ended up with Sara, and she said "It's ok Mom, I really liked trick or treating with her. Those other girls were running crazy from house to house, but me and Sara took our time and we always said thank you." Does a mother's heart proud to hear that!
Sophie and the witches, from left to right, Maeghan, Bella and Lily

Princess Emily, or as she called herself, "A bootifull balaweena"

Mike trying on Daddy's mask
Ahoy mateys!
Trying to be scary like the pumpkins
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