Sophie wanted to be able to celebrate her birthay with her three favorite boy friends as well, and since they weren't invited on Friday to the AG store, they came over yesterday after school for ice cream cake. Of course, that meant that Sylvia and Kathleen would have to come too. It had a been a crazy day for me, I was running all over with the twins to get things done, including taking them to lunch at Sophie's school. Have you been in an elementary school lunchroom lately? How they hear anything in there is beyond me, the noise is deafening. It was fun seeing all her friends, and watching her pass out the Rice Krispy treats I had made for them. Of course, Michael loved the social aspect of it, he was sitting with the 5th grade boys by the time lunch was over. Then we had to go to the gym, the Art room and the Music room so Sophie could give each of those teachers a birthday RK treat. In the gym, Coach D put Michael and Emily on a scooter and taught them how to play Sharks and Surfers. In the Music room Mr. Savage had the class sing Happy Birthday to Sophie while he played it on his recorder. Oh, and Michael got to play the bongo drums. By the time they start Kindergarden there, they will know their way around just fine.
So when Kathleen called to check what time to come, and we discussed how the preschool had been on lockdown for the car jacking a few miles away, I told her to bring wine. I was having a crazy day, but she had been locked in her classroom for 90 minutes with 13 three year olds...not enough wine in the world for that! So here's how the party started...I sent all the kids to the basement while I "got things ready". Here's what that looked like:

Yes, apparently I have a thing for redheaded girlfriends........
We finally released the hounds from the basement and they had a fun time singing Happy Birthday to Sophie and opening presents. Everyone left at 5:20, and my husband walked in the door at 5:40 with Sophie's requested birthday pizza. Nicest birthday party ever!