Michael finally got Emily's Barbie and the 3 musketeers mask away from her and really enjoyed trying it on.

But then the garbage men came this afternoon. If we are outside and he hears their truck, he has to run to see them. Today the driver came down and GAVE HIM THIS HAT! I thought he would wet his pants right there...Michael, not the driver. The driver told him, "Here your go dude, this is what the big boys wear!" He wore it the rest of the day, then put it right back on after his bath.

Terry explained to him what camoflauge was, so now he has taken to walking in with it on, and asking if anyone can see him. Gotta embrace your inner redneck.....
oh my gosh that is funny about the garbage man's hat! What a nice man!
Michael will be the "politician" in our family. His personality is so outgoing and he "knows" everyone. You gotta love him!
Karen-They do call him "The Mayor" at school, you hit the nail right on the head!
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