Sophie is in Girl Scout Day Camp all this week. I was a floater today, which meant that I showed up and was assigned a job. I think I lucked out by getting placed in Outdoor Cooking...did you know you can make a delicious turnover using prepared biscuit dough filled with a slice of banana? Just drop it into the cast iron Dutch Oven that holds the sizzling lard, turn when it gets golden, remove and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Yum! I was amazed that the lard stayed hot enough to quickly fry these little jewels, amazing what you can do without modern technology. I would love to work at the camp for the entire week next year. The twins would be able to attend as "Pixies". They have their own agenda for the week, which includes some time in the one air conditioned building if necessary.

Sophie's unit color was Orange, so they nicknamed themselves the "Original Orange Crush". Here they all are, with their camp buckets and the wagon that goes with them from place to place in camp.

A friend took this picture of us today, I am not able to enlarge it without losing the clarity. We were watching the flamenco dancers under the Arbor. Today we visited Spain.

Sophie waiting for her ride earlier in the week. She's full of energy and very clean in this picture, a big contrast from how she looks when I pick her up at 3pm. But I can sympathize. When she and I walked in the door this afternoon, I took a 40 minute nap before I could even think of showering... I was beat! Of course, I'm not 7 and a half anymore, so that may have something to do with it!
there are whole web sites devoted to cast iron cooking. Last year dave made an apple crisp for a boy scout jamboree, unfortunately he lost to the peach cobbler with whipped cream... That would be awesome if you could do it with the twins; bartering for summer camp. I like the concept!
Sounds like fun!! We should cook with lard more often.. Ha Ha.. I don't know if Mike should be going pixie camp!! Sophis looks so cute!!
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