Someone please tell me how these little ones got to be almost 4 years old. It seems like just yesterday they were tiny, but at the same time it seems forever ago. Maybe that's just my perspective changing the older I get? And maybe because much of their babyhood is a blur, with #2 and #3, you can't help but go through most of it in a daze.

They were very happy to start school today...although not as happy as I was! Of course I had to make them a sign too, and had them practice holding it. That's Michael with his "chewy diapers" that he sleeps with; he snuck in the laundry room to get them out of the dirty clothes pile. The rule is they must stay in his room. They gross me out, no matter how much
OxyClean or bleach I use, those corners will never be white again, but he loves them.

Mr. Handsome all ready to go!

I wish I had the video running during this exchange. Emily telling him how to hold the sign was hilarious. She likes to run the show, and most times he is willing to go along. But more and more I see him pushing back from her well meaning advice, which is a good thing. For this reason I will definitely
separate them when they get to Kindergarten. They have such different personalities, and the teacher that would be best for Emily would be too strict for Michael. She needs a lot more to keep her in line than he does.

Michael seems to have a permanent case of the sillies, he just doesn't get it when it is time to pay attention and settle down. It can be frustrating when I am trying to accomplish something with him, and he is just being a clown. I try to remember his age and how this is normal...I hope! I love the look on Emily's face.

Even though I try not to push the twin thing with them, it is sweet when they do something like this. Their bond is very strong, so protective of each other, it is really neat to watch.

It took us awhile to make it into school, would have been so much easier to carry the bags for them, but they insisted on doing it themselves, and even looped them around their necks themselves.

And then they had to find their hooks with their picture and names, another feat.

They both told me school was great, actually Michael told me it was "awesome", something he hears from big sister no doubt!
And speaking of big sister, tonight she officially became a two wheeled bike rider. Her training wheels have been off for awhile, but she has only tried to ride it a couple of times. Tonight after dinner we went outside and Terry got her going down the little incline into the cul de sac. Once she gained speed she did great, and within in a few minutes was totally independent. She told me tonight that "riding without training wheels is so much better, you can feel the wind in your hair when you get going that fast!" I do remember that.....