Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A boy with many faces

Michael finally got Emily's Barbie and the 3 musketeers mask away from her and really enjoyed trying it on.

But then the garbage men came this afternoon. If we are outside and he hears their truck, he has to run to see them. Today the driver came down and GAVE HIM THIS HAT! I thought he would wet his pants right there...Michael, not the driver. The driver told him, "Here your go dude, this is what the big boys wear!" He wore it the rest of the day, then put it right back on after his bath.

Terry explained to him what camoflauge was, so now he has taken to walking in with it on, and asking if anyone can see him. Gotta embrace your inner redneck.....

Monday, December 21, 2009

Gingerbread Houses and more

December has been a very fun month, how could it not be with all the festivites associated with Christmas? Last week the girls and I went to see The Nutcracker with Pam. A big thanks to her for a wonderful time! I haven't been in years and really enjoyed it. It was Sophie and Emily's first time and they loved it as well. Emily got a little antsy during the 2nd act, but overall did very well. It was such fun to dress up and go to the "big city", reminded me of all our treks into NYC when we were growing up.

And here are my two little angels at their preschool Christmas program. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing them dressed up as angels, they won't be able to do that once they hit Kindergarten.

Check out their class, they are a very sweet bunch of kids. Their friends Alex and Sam (also twins) are standing to the left of Emily. Even though Alex is yawning in this picture, he actually did a great job singing. Michael and Emily had their moments as well.

Today Terry and the kids, or should I say Terry, decorated our gingerbread house. I have to give him kudos, it came out great despite all the help they wanted to give him.

No glue gun needed this year, it was already a full house, but he did do a great job with the icing bag. Notice the kids are nowhere to be seen...they called me to come find them in the living room.....

they decided to nap until Dad was ready for them to "help", which was much later on.

All the hard work paid off, now we will see how long it lasts' Emily is dying to get at that candy.