We woke up to very bright rooms this morning from all the snow outside. I remembered all the times as a kid when I would go to the window hoping and praying it had snowed the night before. How many times will my children actually have any hope of that?? So it was really neat watching their reactions when they looked outside this morning, and saw that it was all still there.
Terry was out by 9 taking pictures of the house and yard:

Here's a view looking down our street, it was very icy this morning, but is now almost all melted.

The kids were thrilled that the snowman survived, it was the first thing they asked about.

I need to measure that before it melts, but I would say 3 inches most likely.
Sophie had been out for an hour by the time I got myself together and went out to join her. By then she was cold and wanted to come in, but I convinced her to go for walk in the woods behind our house. This is her "ok mom, enough pictures!" look. Michael and Emily had no interest this morning in going outside, and frankly I was glad not to have to dress them only to have them in tears after 30 minutes.

We have a bit of woods behind us that cuts through to another street in our neighborhood. I showed Sophie how to pull down the branches to get all the snow off, we had fun getting each other covered with snow.

Sophie was done after I took this shot, so for now we are all inside again. I'm hoping to get out once more for a walk before it all melts.
Thanks for the pictures - it really does snow in Atlanta. It was picture perfect. Almost all melted in driveway with the sun even thought it is really cold.
Great photos! Dagny pooped out after 30 minutes also. I think it has to do with the lack of snowpants because her jeans were soaked and cold.
Steph- I agree about the snow pants, I even went so far as to go to Land's End website to see if they had any really good deals for next year, but just can't justify it for the 24 hours that we need them. Sophie was fine with tights on under her pants, so maybe they just need to be older in order to handle it.
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