We are puppy-sitting this week for our friends. Their 10 month old Cockapoo Rusty has been with us since Thursday afternoon, and he is a sweetheart of a dog. He does not chew, rarely barks and responds better to commands than some children I know...like my own. (Disclaimer on the picture below: It was taken at 7:45 am this morning, and Emily had picked out her own clothes. Her comment was "I am dressed in all flowlers, even my underwear, but not my shorts cause I couldn't find any of those with flowlers on them")

However....I still don't think I am a "dog person". I do like it when I come home and he runs to me, all excited to see me. But does this mean I want to get a dog of our very own? Honestly, I would have to say no. For as sweet and cuddly as Rusty is, and he IS sweet and cuddly, he is another living being that I am in charge of keeping alive and (relatively) happy.

Right now I already have 3 of those. The oldest is pretty self sufficient, but the younger two still need a good bit of attention. While I don't have to walk them several times a day, they still need help with the whole potty thing, teeth brushing, food cutting, bathing, etc.

So, for the time being, we are enjoying our visitor, but not looking to add to our responsibilities anytime soon. (Holly when you read this PLEASE do not be offended, Rusty is an AWESOME dog and we have loved having him....it's just that now I know how much work it actually is.)

So I am choosing to embrace this part of me (the non dog person for the time being) and go with it. I don't think it makes me a bad person, but rather a person who knows her limitations. Better to know that before adopting the dog rather than after.

And another thing I learned....it's really hard to take a picture of kids plus dog and have all of them in focus!
He looks like a sweet pup! I totally understand. Although I am a complete dog person, I get that not everyone is. You have the perfect arrangement-- the kids are probably having a grand time, but all the responsibility is not added to your list for long.
Kat-He really is very sweet, but I can tell I don't have the reserve of patience that I need to take on a dog right now. The three kids, house, hubby, and all the rest take everything I have. Maybe when the little ones are in school...although I think I will be enjoying my alone time then too!
one UGLY pup there, arent puppys supposed to be cute?!
anonymous-please reveal yourself!
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