Happy Easter to all my faithful readers!!
So I am back on FB as of last night, even though Pam deemed that a wee bit too early....and wow, it's great to be back, but I have to say I really enjoyed the break. Not only from a time perspective, but a clarity perspective. When I logged on and all the ads and page updates hit, it was like watching TV with only commercials. And since I only ever watch DVR'd TV, I never have to deal with commercials. The break has certainly made me rethink my usage of FB, and what I choose to view. And how often I choose to view it...I think that will be the biggest difference.
Today was an interesting day, we were up early, the kids were a bit crazy from starting their day with jelly beans and malted eggs. And of course, there was the inevitable squabbling. Is there a family out there whose kids don't compare who got what? If so, I'd like to meet them, because that is so not my kids. I hope this is something they will outgrow, the quicker the better. How do you teach them to be happy with what they have, and to not worry about what others have?
We made it to Mass an hour before it began, which gave us time to get our normal seats and save room for my parents. And time for me to capture the following shots of Sophie, who was serving her first Mass with her friend Colby.
You'll be happy to know they were much more reverent during the actual Mass, this was beforehand in the dressing room. The other kids were asking if they were brother and sister because not only do they look alike, they bicker like siblings. They have similar personalities (both are right ALL THE TIME) so they really know how to push each other's buttons. And that is why I love Colby, he doesn't let Sophie get away with anything, and she needs that! Sophie did a great job, she didn't even look nervous. Seeing her come down the aisle was a rewarding moment for me. So often you wonder if what you say and do has an impact. Knowing that she was excited to serve at Church made me hope that yes, she is getting the message that we are working hard to instill.
We were fortunate to have all the grandparents come over in the afternoon for dinner. It was nice to sit on the pollen free deck (thanks to Terry) and enjoy the beautiful day. And the MANY eggs that our own Easter Bunny Terry had hidden for the kids.
Nana, Terry and the kids waiting to start the hunt.
Pure excitement, I love this shot.
It was hard to get a clear shot of Emily, she was on a mission...to get the most eggs!
I tried out the panoramic feature on my camera while the kids were digging into their baskets this morning. I did this so I could give my husband props. We are fortunate to have a great backyard, but it would not be so without his many hours of sweat equity. So here's a shout out to you Ter: THANKS for working so hard to give us a beautiful place to play and unwind.
And speaking of my talented husband, can you guess which egg below was his? Admit it, who else likes to make "the ugly egg"?
WOW, Sophie let you into the room? The other, older, servers were there for Maggie's first mass, and she would neither come out of the room to let me get a pic nor let me in. I was thankful for the window.
Sophie looks so happy! I'm glad it went well, and it looks like a wonderful Easter.
Welcome back to FB.
Sheila- Well, she really didn't have a choice, b/t me and Sylvia, they had to pose. The other servers were saying...awww, mommy wants to take your picture, how cute...which was really funny. Yes, she did fine, a few hesitant moments but all in all a success. Glad to be back, I did miss my FB peeps!
"How do you teach them to be happy with what they have, and to not worry about what others have?" I'm still trying to learn that lesson, Dor. :)
Sophie has gotten so big!
Kudos to you and Terry - beautiful backyard panaroma!
Dorothy, thanks for sharing the pictures...almost felt like we were there! Thank goodness we have you & Pam to take such wonderful family pictures! Tell Sophie that I love her haircut! She is looking so grown up. I put my money on Emily for finding the most eggs. And, we just love Michael's expressions! Terry, the yard looks like one of those backyard heavens from HGTV!. Can't wait to see you soon. Happy Easter - he is risen!
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