Wednesday, February 01, 2006

See how they've grown

Here are some photos to show you how much Michael and Emily have grown since birth. The family shot is from Sophie's 4th bday party, the next day I went into the hospital and stayed on bedrest for 12 days till the twins arrived. Then a pic of Mike and Em on Em's first night home from the hospital, they were 9 days old. And the twins last week, right after their baths.
There is no way now that they could share the same blanket!


Mike Maier said...

Man, they look clean after baths huh?

GrandmaMaier said...

Iam definitely impressed - and yes they have grown considerably. Next stop, sleep longer at night.

Mike Maier said...

that was Mike (above), this is Kat-- WOW they are looking so filled out and big. Sweet little round faces! Yay