Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Not a Good Day for Sophie
Monday, May 29, 2006
The Wonderful Wedding Weekend

What a great weekend we had in Valdosta! The trip down was easy, Sophie did really well in the car, except for asking me about 35 minutes into it: "Are we in Valdosta yet?". No...not yet dear! The Owens (Katharine's parents) were such gracious hosts, they had us over for dinner on Friday night (fried catfish, cheese grits) and Saturday night (fried chicken, field peas, rice and gravy). Katharine's nieces and nephew were so sweet to Sophie, she was like another cousin to them. Here is a photo of Sophie and Heyward. Heyward espescially took her under her wing; at 8 years old she is a full fledged "big kid" in Sophie's eyes. On Friday night I walked over to check on Sophie as she was playing on the swingset, and noticed that she smelled like bug spray. I asked her about it and she said, "Oh yeah Mom, Heyward put a bug wipe on me." How cute is that?
The wedding itself was beautiful. Marilois and Pablo were married at the Ranch House that is in Mrs. Owens family. I think it originated as a hunting lodge, and is on quite a bit of land. (Kat, feel free to correct whatever I am getting wrong) The lodge house was recently redone, and is really neat inside. The grounds outside are so pretty, the landscaping made a beautiful backdrop for the wedding. Marilois had all young attendants, I think there were 8 flower girls and a ring bearer. The girls were adorable, all in white dresses, flower wreaths and no shoes, it was so fitting for the setting. Here is a photo of some of them lined up on the stairs, the bride and groom stood at the top. Thanks to Kathie Owens for all of these pictures, I didn't take a single one all weekend.
Sophie was funny at the wedding itself. Instead of sitting with my parents and me, she chose to hang out with 3 little girls she had never met before. They were all "bubble girls"; it was their job to hand out the bubbles when the ceremony ended. She spent the entire ceremony on the swing with them. Marilois graciously asked her to be a bubble girl too, so she could be included. Thanks to Aunt Katharine for reminding her to sit like a lady....that's what you get when your dress isn't as long as the other girls!
The reception was held on the grounds, and the food again was great. Can you tell this was a real food weekend for me?? Not that I cook it all very often at all, but Southern food like what we had this weekend was just so comforting and fitting for the occasion. Two of my favorite dishes were served at the reception: fried green tomatoes and shrimp with grits. I am sure my NJ siblings are in disbelief about that, but try them both, they are so good!
And how did Michael and Emily fare without their mother and sister for the weekend? Just fine. Terry did a great job, and he was able to have some help too, which is always nice. Thanks to Pam and Yoko for coming on Friday morning, so Sophie and I could leave in time for the dinner. Thanks also to Karen and Jack and Donna for coming over on Sunday morning to help out as well.
We enjoyed a Memorial Day cookout with Mike, Kat and James today. Grandma and Grandpa Maier joined us as well. It was nice to see them again before they head back to the NL. James and Emily really hit it off today, she was in the saucer, and he was busy pulling himself up on it to get a good look at her. Just wait till the 3 of them are 2 years old, that will be a sight.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Good Buddy

Michael and Emily are really starting to notice each other now, and it is so cute! Michael espescially is just all smiles as soon as he sees his little sister. Emily notices him too, but she is so busy trying to crawl, it takes her a minute to notice the love-struck look on her brother's face. Of course, both of them love Big Sister, even if she does try to smother them with love.

We are spending more time outside, as Sophie loves to play on her swingset. I have a lightweight double stroller that a neighbor gave us, it is perfect to set up in the yard so they can watch. Last week I bought a caterpiller swing from Ebay, it seats two babies facing each other. I don't have a picture of it yet, but will next week. Cousin James even tried it out today. Here are some photos of fun in the backyard.

In other news, we had a great visit with Mike, Kat and James today. Again, no pics yet, but Mike did take a bunch and hopefully will update his blog with them. I was amazed at the difference in James from Christmas till now, and they were amazed by the twins. James is really a crawler, it is funny to watch him go all over. And great eye hand co-ordination. I was impressed when he picked up one of the small balls and tossed it over the bar of the gym... Mike told me he drills him on that daily, ha, ha. Sophie and I are looking forward to spending more time with them in Valdosta this weekend at Marilois's wedding.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Under the Sea
It was not as crowded as Rebekah and Paula had seen it in past visits, but it was still pretty crazy. The kids were really good at holding hands, and the yellow shirts Paula got for them at Michael's really did help, they were so easy to spot. Maybe it was the constant surveilance of the kids, or just the crowd, but I have to say I wasn't as wowed as I thought I would be. Many of the viewing windows were smaller than I had thought, and it was hard for the kids to wait until the crowd abated so they could be up front to actually see in. There were several viewing areas that were huge, and those were amazing. Rebekah had a great idea; a late afternoon trip with just your hubby for a date night.
For those of you who plan on going with kids, they have a "no outside food" rule, which I think is totally ridiculous. We all packed sandwiches and snacks for the kids, why would you want to pay for food they won't eat? No one had a problem getting in with it except Kathleen. Apparently she picked the wrong security line; the agent confiscated all her snacks, but she insisted on keeping Samuel's sippy cup. For goodness sakes, he is 20 ms old!
In other news, I went to the Y to work out today for the first time in 14 ms!! I was unable to exercise my whole pregnancy, and the twins had to be 6 ms before they could stay in the nursery. They did great, no tears at all. I managed to do 30 minutes on the eliptical machine, plus some weight machines. It felt great to be back, and hopefully we can get a routine going. Getting there was a little hectic, it only took me 2 hours to get everyone and everything ready to go....that in itself is a workout!
Monday, May 15, 2006
The Last Day of School

We will again do our babysitting co-op this year. It worked really well last summer, the kids enjoyed being together at each other's houses, and we mothers enjoyed a day off every once in a while. This year we will add in the younger sibs as well, they will be at a different house. I won't be involved in that, Mike and Em are a bit too young to hang with the 2 year olds just yet. Our first co-op is this Wednesday, Kathleen and I will have the 4 year olds at her house. Tie Dye is on the agenda, should be fun!
Friday, May 12, 2006
The Most Expensive Halloween Costume Ever

Sophie has been in a dance and gymnastics class for 2 years. She really enjoys it because they alternate every week between tap and ballet, plus spend half the class in the gym. It is amazing what she can do, a forward roll on a full size balance beam, flipping over the uneven bars, even a psuedo cartwheel. (All with a spotter of course) She also likes the dance part, and this year will be her first recital. I never pictured my daughter in a dance recital, but here we go.....costume that costs WAY too much, pictures, videos and bouquets that you HAVE to get the idea. But seeing how excited the girls got when they handed out the costumes last week was really priceless. The song they dance to is "Zippety Do Dah", and every night before bed she says "Wait, I have to do Zippety doda one time before I get in the tub" and she commences to do her rendition of their recital dance down the hall; it is really funny. Here is a photo (Thanks to Rebekah) from the costume try on day. From left to right: Katie, Sophie, Elizabeth and Leanne.
Can you guess what they will all be next Halloween?
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Wash and Wear
Sophie has even become a pro at it; today she came to me in search of a cloth diaper. When I asked her why she wanted one, she very nonchalantly said "Emily was on her tummy and she rolled back over, now she has gook all over her nose, I need to wipe it off." That's my girl!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Big Man Dave
Happy Belated Easter
Mom and Dad came over for dinner later that afternoon. The Easter bunny brought Sophie a big girl bike, here is a shot of her riding it. She is pretty good on the front walk, our street is way too hilly to try out there yet.
Also, a shot of Grandma reading Sophie the Beatrix Potter Peter Rabbit book. I know that is supposed to be wonderful children's literature, but some of her stories are a bit odd. However, Sophie loves it, and amazingly enough, listens with rapt attention.

Friday, May 05, 2006
The truth hurts
Monday, May 01, 2006
The 6 Month Blur
After that conversation, Sophie and I rode the carousel. I asked the very nice man who collects the tickets if he could keep an eye on the babies, and he readily agreed. So Michael and Emily watched from the sidelines and Sophie and I had a great ride.
Today Michael and Emily had their 6 month checkup. I find it hard to believe they are actually 6 months old. It seems like just yesterday that they came home from the hospital and this crazy existence of ours began.
This 6 months has been a blur, and there are a lot of things I don't remember. I think it is like that with all newborns, and having a 4 1/2 year old helps me to gain perspective. Does it really matter what they wore their first Christmas? Do I have to remember every single "first"to be a good mother? I guess that is just my personality; totally anal. We got out the 6-12 mth old clothes from Sophie since Emily will be in them soon. Going through them, I can recall every outfit, where it came from, whether or not it was a gift. Is this really important? Of course not! Having twins has REALLY made me see what is important, like a wonderfully supportive husband, a sweet preschooler, and two beautiful healthy babies. Who could ask for more? All the stuff I stressed over when Sophie was a baby doesn't even phase me. In hindsight, it just doesn't matter.
Here are the 6 month stats:
Michael: 14 lbs., 11 oz. (15th percentile on the growth chart) 26 1/2 inches long. (50th percentile on the growth chart)
Emily: 14 lbs even. (15th percentile) 24 1/2 inches long (10th percentile)
And last but certainly not least: Thanks Mom, for helping me today, and all the other days. I wouldn't have made it 6 months without you!