Monday, May 01, 2006

The 6 Month Blur

Last week Sophie and I were at the mall with the twins. As we sat in the food court having lunch, I was contemplating how I was going to take Sophie on the carousel. It was just me with the 3 of them, and she is too little to ride it by herself. A woman came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. As I turned toward her, I saw two little boys running in front of her. She smiled down at the babies asleep in their stroller and said with a sigh. "Oh, I remember those days well. I have boy/boy twins who just turned 5, and yes, it does get better. And easier. And they always have a playmate. And soon you won't be so deathly tired." She was so open and honest, and it was ironic that she answered all my questions before I could even ask them. She went on to say how on their one year birthday, she just cried and cried. The reason? She realized that their whole first year was a big blur, and she barely remembered a thing. I laughed out loud, and she did too. She said I was lucky, her twins were her first children, and she and her husband were really in shock...I can only imagine.

After that conversation, Sophie and I rode the carousel. I asked the very nice man who collects the tickets if he could keep an eye on the babies, and he readily agreed. So Michael and Emily watched from the sidelines and Sophie and I had a great ride.

Today Michael and Emily had their 6 month checkup. I find it hard to believe they are actually 6 months old. It seems like just yesterday that they came home from the hospital and this crazy existence of ours began.

This 6 months has been a blur, and there are a lot of things I don't remember. I think it is like that with all newborns, and having a 4 1/2 year old helps me to gain perspective. Does it really matter what they wore their first Christmas? Do I have to remember every single "first"to be a good mother? I guess that is just my personality; totally anal. We got out the 6-12 mth old clothes from Sophie since Emily will be in them soon. Going through them, I can recall every outfit, where it came from, whether or not it was a gift. Is this really important? Of course not! Having twins has REALLY made me see what is important, like a wonderfully supportive husband, a sweet preschooler, and two beautiful healthy babies. Who could ask for more? All the stuff I stressed over when Sophie was a baby doesn't even phase me. In hindsight, it just doesn't matter.

Here are the 6 month stats:
Michael: 14 lbs., 11 oz. (15th percentile on the growth chart) 26 1/2 inches long. (50th percentile on the growth chart)

Emily: 14 lbs even. (15th percentile) 24 1/2 inches long (10th percentile)

And last but certainly not least: Thanks Mom, for helping me today, and all the other days. I wouldn't have made it 6 months without you!


StephB said...

So nice to hear of your babies. I'm glad the doctor visit went well. Good for you for braving the mall with three youngsters. Remember when just one was difficult - HA!

GrandmaMaier said...

Wonderful synposis of the first six months. When I look back I wish I could remember some of the "first's" our children did. However, they will remind me from time to time and it was all worth it.