Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Not a Good Day for Sophie

Ok, What is with the talking back, and how do I make it stop? I have tried ignoring it, disciplining, yelling, name it. Today Sophie and I went to the mall since the sitter was here and I had a bunch of things to return. I thought it would be a fun trip, just the two of us. Before the trip was over, she had lost her carousel ride, her book at bedtime, and her song at bedtime. Why must everything I say be met with "No Mommy, it is not!" or some variation on that general theme? Plus the tossing of the head and the eye rolling...she is only 4 1/2 for goodness sake! I know I did a lot of eye rolling at my own mother, but I really don't think I began this early. Maybe this is just another phase, I can only hope. One good thing: the bedtime routine sure flies by when there is none!


StephB said...

We've got the sassy bug here at our house too. I was hoping she would grow out of it soon. I'm sorry - it makes for an unpleasant day.

Dorothy Gould said...

It always makes you feel better to know you are not the only one!