Have I mentioned lately how active Michael and Emily are becoming? Let me assure you, it bears repeating! They are walking, crawling and climbing into whatever they can. No longer are they content to stay gated in the family room, or "Babyland" as my sister in law Pat called it on her last visit. Here is the photographic evidence:

Playing with a paper grocery bag, it makes a great toy.

I had turned my back for a second to speak to Sophie and when I turned back, there was Michael, removing the last sippy cup from the dishwasher...what a good little helper!
Emily decides that climbing looks like fun, and since the dishwasher has now been closed, decides to test out her skills on Sophie's chair. She climbs it with ease.

This is the drawer that contains stuff for them to pull out and play with, however, Michael has decided he needs to get in and inspect it further. This is a theme for him....

So, at almost 15 months old, they are curious, active toddlers. Lucikly my camera is always at hand to document the chaos!
Great photodocumentation Dor! I know how difficult it is to catch them with the camera, though they look like they are always into everything-
I love Michael getting into everything - literally! : )
I never thought I would say this, always thought it was just a stereotype...but he is such a boy! I am now convinced there is an innate difference.
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