And here is Emily, almost 15 months old, with her own twist on "the frown." God help me when they are teenagers!!
Emily did have something to frown about Thursday when I took this photo. She and Michael both had a fever, hers got so high (102.9) I called the pediatrician. I was told to watch it and as long as it went down with Motrin, she was ok. It did go down, but she was up till 2:30 am just fussy and restless. The next morning it was back up. I took them both in, and they did a CBC on Emily. It came back normal, and our pediatrician advised me to be on the lookout for either Roseola or Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. Emily slept great last night, and was much better today. Michael on the other hand, was up 3 times last night, and this morning his temp was 103.4. I have to say, seeing the thermometer reading shoot up that high threw me. I spoke with the pediatrician and after she quizzed me on his behavior (lethargic, but still playful at times) any new symptoms (just a clear runny nose) we agreed it was better not to drag him in again today. He probably has what Emily had yesterday. After Motrin his fever is down as well.
I wasn't going to bathe either one of them tonight, but after seeing Sophie in the tub, they both wanted to get in. So, rub a dub dub, here are our 3 kids in the tub:

We are hoping for a more restful night tonight, long live Motrin!
I hope your fevers are gone soon! Isn't it funny how one in the bath means ALL must be in the bath. : )
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