Monday, October 25, 2010

Nine is nifty, but still sometimes not so nice.....

Yesterday was Sophie's birthday party with her friends.  When we were planning it, I knew I did not want to spend a lot of money, and was racking my brain to come up with something that would still be fun.  We decided to try The Picture Show, which everyone I know refers to as "The Dollar Movie Theater".  This could be one of the best ideas I have had in a long time.  The price was so much less than any other "party place", the staff was great to work with, and the girls had a great time.  We met in the party room an hour before the movie, Sophie opened her gifts and the girls had cake and ice cream.  Then each of them got a kid's pack (small popcorn, drink and candy) and we were off to our reserved seats in the theater to see Toy Story 3, which was great.  (Even though I did miss the last 10 minutes because one of our guests could not hold it.  But I'm not bitter.)

Sophie was a great hostess, making sure all the girls had what they needed.  She was also impressive opening her gifts, she took the time to thank each girl, and had them come sit with her for a photo op.  The enthusiasm and genuineness of girls of this age is something to witness.  There is no cattiness, no hierarchy.  They all really like each other and that is nice to see.  

With friends Caroline, Natalie and Lauren

Wanted everyone to see the sweet card

Ann Amelia and Soph

Cool peace sign purse, filled with more fun stuff

Emily sneaking in some help with the candles

The only glitch in the day...Sophie's birthday presents are all currently in my bedroom closet.  She will earn them back one by one as she demonstrates respect and kindness toward her siblings and her parents.  After arriving home from the party, there were, shall we say..issues around letting our siblings see what we got, and attitude, selfishness and complete disregard for others reared it's ugly head.  Am hoping this will make an impact.  That will make being the mean mother all worth it.


StephB said...

WTG on the mean mom. It will make an impact. Good for you for holding the line.

Dorothy Gould said...

Stef-We're taking the "Parenting with Love and Logic" class at SPC while the kids are in PSR. It has really helped. Thanks for the support, that helps too!

Mike Maier said...

Dor- 1st happy birthday to Soph! Looks like a great party. Can't imagine the different dynamic having girls. And I second Steph's support for the 'mean parent' technique. Even with 5 and 3 you see how holding the line (or as Kat says- can't you choose your battles? and I say 'I choose every battle') pays off even in the relatively short term. They will say horrible things and act hateful but then they always turn around soon enough.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Sophie!I love your blog! I always hate when people only write about the good stuff, which makes me feel like either I did a horrible job raising my kids or they are lying. So it's comforting when I read that other parents go through the same stuff. Hang in there! Suzy