Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Halloween Happenings

We had a great Halloween this year.  I was never really into it as a single adult.  I did enjoy it more once we moved into our house, handing out candy was a lot of fun.  In fact, I've been handing out candy to these 3 since they were toddlers.  And look at them now!  I remember when they wore costumes like Simba from the Lion King, or Thomas the Train. I did think it was funny that they are in 7th-9th grade, and they were waiting on the doorstep for me to get home from the neighbors so I could give them candy.  The guy in the middle is our babysitter, the kids LOVE him.   

Once again Terry did a great job with the kids (or maybe I should say despite the kids) on the pumpkins. He has each of them draw the face they want him to carve, then he tries his best to duplicate that. I may be biased, but I think he is pretty talented.

Oh, you probably want to see the kids too, right? Here they are, Batman, Blue Pixie and Pink Skeleton.  Thank you Kathleen and WalMart.  

It's becoming our tradition to forgo the neighborhood pizza chaos and go instead to Michel and Sylvia's for pre-trick or treat chili and other yummy stuff.  This year our new friend Malin (just moved back from Sweden) brought some witch's brew, which the kids and adults thought was really cool.  Apparently it didn't taste great, but they didn't care, they were more interested in seeing the smoke. 

Our neighbor Alex decided to be Robin once he heard Michael was going as Batman.  They were cute together. We are so glad to have him on our street, he will be going to K next year with my guys.  More bus buddies!

I actually got a friend to take a picture of me and Terry, have to start doing that more often.  Thanks Sylvia for loaning me the cute pumpkin headband. 

The crew right before heading out, they were chomping at the bit at this point, there was much yelling involved to get this photo. 

Michael and Emily lasted about 40 minutes trick or treating.  Michael took several spills with his cape and after the last one, told Terry he was done.  They were very happy to help hand out candy, and even called out to the kids, "Hey, trick or treater, come and get your candy!" 

Who could resist these two? 

1 comment:

Mike Maier said...

Great post Dor, they all look so good. Terry is really refining his art with those pumpkins!