Thursday, July 10, 2008

What a Crock!

Yesterday I was watching daytime TV (a rarity) while ironing (even more of a rarity, but I am in Consignment Sale mode) and had Rachel Ray on. One of her guests was this woman, whose New Year's Resolution is to use her crockpot everyday for 365 days. I had time tonight to look through the recipes and there are some that I want to try. I also like how she gives "The Verdict" for each dish, and her kids opinions as well.

I really am trying to do the whole "you eat what we eat" thing, but some nights it is just so painful. Like tonight, I made a meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and carrots. Is that so awful? Sophie had been grocery shopping with me today, and knew I was making it. About an hour before dinner it began: "Do I have to eat it Mom? I've tried it before, and I really don't like it, and I don't like mashed potatoes either, and you know I'd rather have raw carrots than cooked......blah, blah, blah, on and on it went till I thought my head would explode. For awhile I was strong, telling her she could take a bite of everything, could have raw carrots and applesauce as well. Plus we could make cresent rolls. No relief from the barrage of complaints. I finally came to the conclusion that eating with her would be a waste of a good meatloaf. So, the kids ate ham rollups, cheese, raw carrots and apples, then watched a video while Terry and I enjoyed our lovely meatloaf.

In Peace.

And Quiet.


GrandmaMaier said...

Some day those children will look back at Mom's meatloaf and wish they had some. Keep trying, it eventually works.

Dorothy Gould said...

I will keep trying. Michael as you know, will eat anything. Emily is ok, just depends on the day of the week for her. But #1 child was spoiled, and now we are paying the price. Live and learn.

StephB said...

We have the "if-you-say-you-don't-like-it-you-have-to-eat-it-all" rule. Annika is our picky one and is not above making gagging noises or actually gagging when following this rule. It's a good rule, though. : ) Makes dinner quieter for us.

Dagny will eat anything, which is good because I don't know how we would get her to eat-it-all. Control issues there.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I agree with Dot on this one, they will eventually start eating it even though it's painful watching them push it around on their plates and sighing the big sighs. And of course hunger is a great appetizer if you can stop the pre dinner snacks and ignore the whines.. My standard line is 'I'm glad you're hungry, then you'll really appreciate your dinner!' Good Luck Mary