Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Back to School

Today was Sophie's first day back to Preschool. This year she is in a 4 day 4 year old class, she goes Tues thru Friday. There isn't really much to report, she posed with the sign I had made, which is a yearly tradition. (Sorry, no pics till next week) She was very happy to run into her room, find a seat next to Noah, and begin playing with Play Doh. She is pretty much a preschool pro at this point, on the way there she asked me if she could stay for Lunch Bunch, and seemed disappointed when I told her it didn't start for another two weeks.

Here is her after school synopsis: I got purple Play Doh, just like Noah. We didn't have music or movement today Mom, just regular school. Maybe tomorrow we will have them. Noah was line leader today and got to do the weather map and the calendar, and I was NOT HAPPY about that! (this was said with much agitation) I told Noah I wanted to be line leader, and he told me No, it wasn't my turn. (good for Noah!)

I reminded her that Friday was her turn to bring snack, and be line leader, and bring show and tell. Plus, it will be September 1st, so she will get to change the calendar, how cool is that? Apparently, that is not as cool as bringing snack on the first day...oh well, that is what happens when your last name doesn't begin with an "A"!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


It is funny how the little things make your life that much easier. For weeks I have been overwhelmed by the amount of toys that seem to be creeping out of the woodwork in this house. To our credit, they are mostly hand me downs, or gifts. But still, we have way too many, as my mother likes to remind me every so often......

Tonight after the kids were asleep, I spent an hour in the family room a la Mission: Organization. I had an empty diaper case box for donations, and two brown bags for garbage. In one hour, I filled all three. I even got to go through the books, and get rid of all the ones I detest reading aloud to Sophie. Now that certainly makes for a feeling of accomplishment.

Next up: the basement, where many more toys await their fate!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Lake Photos-Part 2

The brave ones lining up to make the jump

Sophie and Uncle Tom enjoying the boat

Emily in the pool

Tommy with his favorite twin

Michael checking out the pool

Tom in search of the catch of the day

Cocktails on the deck: From L: Kelly, Sophie, Ray, Tom and Pat

Michael and Emily going strong at 8am

Miss Independent

How does it happen that your children grow up right in front of you and you never realize it? Today it hit me how independent Sophie is becoming. She dresses herself with no help from me, although, thankfully, she insists that I pick out her clothes. Brushing her teeth and washing her face and hands, complete with drying: not a problem. Yesterday at Publix she went to the bakery and asked the lady for the free cookie all by herself, while I watched from my place at the deli. The look on her face when she turned around with cookie in hand was priceless. The newest and most exciting skill in my book: she can buckle her own seat belt. This is huge because she is in the last row in the van, and to buckle her in I have to open the hatch and do it from behind her. She saw Noah do it a few weeks ago, and was determined to learn. Today at the pool she swam (with no floatation device) in the shallow end while I watched from the steps. And when she had to use the restroom, she took herself. (Don't worry, it was only 10 feet from me, and I could see her the whole time)

It seems like only yesterday she was Michael and Emily's age. What's next, college?

Monday, August 14, 2006

Which drop is that??

Sophie got swimmer's ear after our lake visit, and is on ear drops twice a day for another 5 days. Today Emily was put on eye drops, she has what looks to be the beginning of pink eye. Luckily, they were able to call the prescription in, so we didn't have to make an office visit. When the nurse called me late this afternoon to let me know, I informed her that Michael's eyes were now starting to look like Emily's. Her advice was to use warm compresses for a day and see if that helped. Let's hope I can keep my supply of drops straight!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Lake Photos-Part 1

Here are some photos from the Lake Lanier vacation, more to follow........

Ray relaxing in his yatch

Kelly preparing Michael for his first dip in the pool

Emily saying, "Uh...I did pack a bathing suit, didn't I??"

Sliding Sophie

Sophie hanging out with her big cousins Alex and Tommy

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Nine Months

Michael and Emily turned 9 months old when we were away last week. Yesterday was their well visit, and the pediatrician could not have been more pleased. They have no delays, which is amazing considering they were 6 weeks early. Here are their stats, and my personal observations for this age.

Emily-(ladies first, you know) She is such a content baby that I feel like I sometimes overlook her. She will play with a toy for 15 minutes at a time. Right now her favorite thing is pulling up, and she is very good at it. She is a fast crawler as well, and a great sleeper. Her smiles are not as readily given as her brother's, but when she does smile, she really means it. Her babble is so sweet, and her latest habit of forcefully spitting back out what she doesn't like has me cracking up. She doesn't cry or fuss, just spits it out as hard as she can, with a rather nonchalant look on her face. This is girl who knows what she wants, and it not afraid to show it. She is also the patient one. I know I can always leave her upstairs at the gate while I carry Michael down first, she plays contentedly until I return for her.
Height: 26 1/2 inches-15th percentile
Weight: 17 lbs. 4 oz.-20th percentile

Michael: The boy with the smile that will win over anyone, but I have to say, a bit more high maintenence than his twin or older sister. If he has a dirty diaper, we all know about it. And when it is time to eat, he will come and find me, protesting loudly until he is in his high chair. He does not like to be left alone, and will army crawl to wherever I am. He is into everything, whatever the most dangerous thing in the room that you may have overlooked in your baby-proofing...Michael will find it. He does not sit up yet unassisted (Emily does so with ease) but can pull up and has even started cruising around the coffee table. He is very affectionate, smiles at everyone, and is very happy just being carried around. He is a great eater, so easy to feed, and has never spit anything out at me, he needs all that food b/c he never sits still!
Height: 29 1/2 inches-80th percentile
Weight: 17 lbs, 8oz-10th percentile
Note the percentile differences between his height and weight...a true Maier, long and lean!

All my twin mom friends say that the first 6 months are the hardest. I think from a feeding standpoint that is true. It is a lot easier now, and part of that is because I am more used to the fact that someone will probably be fussing because I only have two arms, not four. The most fun now is the interaction that takes place between them, they really know each other, and have even started babbling in a give and take sort of way. The fun is just beginning!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Lake House

We returned home from the lake yesterday; a great time was had by all. We mostly spent our time on the dock, watching the kids jump off the top railing. As Tom noted, only he and I did not attempt the jump. I have never liked heights, and just looking down at the water from 15 feet made me queasy, never mind actually sailing through the air then hitting the water.

It was so nice to have family there at the same time. My kids especially enjoyed the attention. Sophie got to stay up way later than normal, I think 9 pm one night. During the day one of her cousins was always available to take her to the dock to swim. And I had lots of help with the babies as well. We brought a baby pool for them, and they loved being in it. I forgot the swim diapers, but as my mother said, "It's your pool, who needs a swim diaper?" They loved the freedom, plus 30 minutes in the pool guaranteed a 2 hour nap, time enough for me to enjoy some time on the dock myself.

But now we are home, and back to reality. A big thanks to all my family for all their help and support this past week. I could never have made the trip without you. Pictures will follow, I just dropped off 4 rolls today.