The first is Sophie and Elizabeth at the dress rehearsal for their recital. Since we weren't allowed to take photos during the actual performance, I took these the night before. Look at that form!!
The next is Sophie helping me cut up veggies for dinner after the recital. She really likes helping in the kitchen. I know what Aunt Mary will say:"Where is that girl's apron??"

James enjoyed pulling up on Emily's saucer, and she got a kick out of it too. Right now the difference between them seems huge, but they are only 6 weeks apart in age.
Michael and Emily both like to roll under the coffee table in the family room, knocking down Sophie's chairs and anything else that stands in their way. They are so funny to watch.
Great photos! : ) You can really tell that Michael and Emily are thrilled with their rolling!
In that last picture, they look like little dolls laying in the floor. How cute and funny.
Dor- I'm glad to see my godson reviving my tradition of under-table exploits. they are both looking so much older!
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