Thursday, June 08, 2006

My Other Set of Twins

I got a lot of startled, then sympathetic, glances today. Sophie's buddy Noah spent the day with us. He has been out of town for about 10 days visiting family, so this made the day even more of a treat, they were so happy to see each other. We went to the barber to get Sophie's hair cut, then to "Old Mc Donalds" for lunch. When I walked in with the twins in their stroller, and Sophie and Noah holding hands, people were startled. Some even asked, "You have two sets of twins?" I know it does happen, but thankfully, not to me!

Having Noah spend the day was a treat for both Sophie and me. Kathleen dropped him off at 9:30, and they first played outside on the swingset for about 30 minutes, while I fed the babies in the kitchen so I could watch them out the window. When they realized they were getting hot, they came inside and asked to play in the basement. They spent the next 90 minutes down there, playing Hullabaloo and other games. I only went down once to check on them, I could hear their conversation from upstairs and there was no bickering at all. Sophie was SOOO agreeable today, it was amazing the difference in her when Noah is around. Since she is totally occupied, it never occurs to her to throw a tantrum to get attention from me. What a nice break!

After the haircut and Mc Donalds they had some quiet time with a Wiggles video. It turned out to be not so quiet time, as they danced along. Then Noah came up and asked if he could draw. They spent the rest of the day practicing their "writing" Noah is very good at copying his letters, and Sophie got frustrated, since she is not as far along. I outlined the letters she wanted, then she traced them in. I could tell that Noah noticed Sophie's angst, and he was quick to compliment her. When Kathleen arrived at 4 to pick him up, they both started whining about how neither wanted him to leave. I didn't want him to either!


GrandmaMaier said...

You won't have to import a playmate for the twins, they will be company for one another. At Sophie's age it is nice to have a playmate other then Mom.

StephB said...

That Noah - he sounds like he deserves a big kiss!