Yesterday was Sophie's recital, and it was so cute, and at the same time, hilarious. I think my father in law summed it up when he said, "You couldn't have staged it to be any funnier than it was." Most of the girls in her class were able to follow their teacher (Miss Melodie) who was hidden from the audience on the side of the stage directing them. Sophie and her partner Elizabeth hit all their cues, thanks to Elizabeth's lead. At one point it was Katie's turn to run and leap, but Sophie decided to beat her to it, that was pretty funny. Some of the youngest girls performing were just 3 years old. They basically came out on stage, saw the lights and audience and froze. From the audience we could see Miss Melodie's frantic hand movements behind the curtain, trying to encourage them to move. Miss Melodie is a wonderful teacher, very patient and encouraging. Thanks to Pam for the photo from yesterday's festivities, and to Mrs Martin, our neighbor, for coming to watch Sophie and getting her the beautiful rose.
Dor, Mom said it was a riot--great photo, Soph looks earnestly ecstatic...
What fun! Glad you had a good time.
Mare, Don't worry, we both know the music by heart, so a performance is guaranteed!
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