Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Now I Know Why

Dr Harrison asks at every well visit, "Do you have the number for Poison Control posted?"

Tonight after they ate dinner, I put Michael and Emily in the family room to play. The room is safe for them...or so I thought. One of their favorite things to do is to get up on the fireplace hearth. We have the edges padded, and they are good about navigating the step down, but still, when I catch them, I remove them. I went into the laundry room to check on a load of wash, and when I got back to the family room, here is what I saw: Both of them on the hearth, the screen that is screwed into the brick had been removed just enough for Michael to get in and scoop up a handful of granite. Our fireplace is gas (fake logs) and there is granite and some other material on the bottom of it. I didn't see him eat it, but his mouth was dirty. After sending Sophie outside to get Terry, who was mowing the lawn, I put Emily in the playpen and took Michael into the kitchen to wash his mouth out.

Terry came in and cleaned up the mess, and I calmly looked up the number for Poison Control. In case you ever need it, it is 1-800-222-1222. The woman who answered was very reasurring, telling me this happens all the time, and the material isn't toxic. She advised me to give him something to drink, and keep an eye on him for further symptoms.

He is fine, and is now fast asleep. And the number for Poison Control is posted inside the kitchen cabinet, right next to the fever thresholds, and Tylenol/Motrin dosages. And at the 15 month visit, I won't have to glibly lie when Dr. Harrison asks me once again, "And you have the number for Poison Control posted, right?"


Anonymous said...

What am I going to do with my godson.....thank God he is ok!!!

Anonymous said...

A little extra roughage in his diet!

Anonymous said...

When Jack was Michael's age, Jim built a fireplace "safety" fence. Took several attempts and a few extra boards until it was truly "Jack proof". Glad to hear Michael's ok. Welcome to boys!

StephB said...

Thank you for the useful number!