Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring has sprung!

I was going to post some pictures of our backyard to show how beautiful it is right now in Atlanta. Then I got word that Miss Sharon, our absolute favorite teacher at preschool, has a blog of her own. Sharon and her husband Michael have turned their entire backyard (which is probably about 2 acres) into a gorgeous garden with paths, benches, a hammock, the works. She even had a little house built that overlooks the garden, and they often eat dinner there.

Sophie had Miss Sharon when she was in the older 2's class, and next Fall it will be Michael and Emily's turn. She and her co-teacher Marlene are so great with kids, I am really looking forward to M and Em experiencing all they have to offer. But for now, check out her blog. It gives me something to shoot for once my kids are grown!


Anonymous said...

wow and I thought you had the park like setting its beautiful!!! Pat

Dorothy Gould said...

It is amazing; the little house she has was featured in Better Homes and Gardens last year.