Sunday, February 12, 2006

Snow Alert

We had a fine dusting of snow this morning. It is obvious that Sophie is a southerner, she looked out the window and exclaimed "Wow, how will we EVER get out of the driveway with all that snow?" Trust me, the sun is now up and our "snow" will be history by 10 am. But, it is always pretty to see. Not sure that my sibs in the Northeast share this sentiment, though!

In other news, I am taking Sophie to see Curious George today. We are going with her best buddy Noah and his mom, Kathleen. She has never been to the movies before, so it should be an interesting experience. At this point, she is more excited about the prospect of her own bag of popcorn than the actual movie....that's my girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dar sounds like you girls are going to have a fun day... up here in the northeast we got about 8inches of snow and 12 inch drifts.tom and brad have been out all day their loving it... Pat