Saturday, July 08, 2006

Two Crawlers and Other News

Fourth of July was a lot of fun. We went to the Marietta Parade in the morning. The kids enjoyed it, but it was very hot. Luckily, it only lasted an hour. I am not a panicky mother, but I was starting to get concerned for Michael and Emily. My friend Rebekah helped me feed them their bottles early, we thought they needed the extra fluid, and we were right, they sucked them right down.

Kathleen and Noah came with us to see the Fireworks, and he and Sophie had a great time. Our church has a picnic on their grounds, and the Roswell Fireworks are visible later in the evening. Sophie and Noah got their faces painted, tried dancing to the "YMCA", and even got to eat snow cones. They also played endless games of "soccer" and their own special version of tag. This was Noah's first year at the Fireworks, and the look of amazement on his face was priceless.

The big news is that Michael and Emily are now crawling...and even though it looked as if Emily would be more proficient since she has been trying for weeks, Michael is all of a sudden in the lead. He does the "army" crawl, on his forearms, scooting his legs behind him. He seems to have caught on quite quickly, and is surprising us all with his speed. Emily does the standard crawl, up on all fours. She is more coordinated, but Michael is much faster. The race each other all the time, it is pretty funny to watch. Michael also now has his second tooth, right next to the first one.

Here are my most recent pics, from right before the Fourth.

It looks like Emily was caught in the act; guess she will like Rachael as much as Sophie and I do.

Sophie (in her pj's) models the kerchief that Aunt Mary sent for Valentine's Day.

Here is the first of many paper chains Sophie made while stuck inside all last weekend with her fever. It kept her so busy; how can you go wrong with scissors, paper, markers and tape??

Mr. Smileyhead. Note the soaking wet drool bib, we go through at least 2-3 a day!


Dorothy Gould said...

Mare, I should have made the flour/water paste, Elmer's didn't get it, so we had to resort to tape. Of course, that added to the time spent creating. Are you sure Mom didn't give you newspapers to cut up??

StephB said...

Genius idea! Annika LOVES to cut paper and paste. I'm sure newspaper would be just as fun and even more messy.