Wednesday, August 23, 2006


It is funny how the little things make your life that much easier. For weeks I have been overwhelmed by the amount of toys that seem to be creeping out of the woodwork in this house. To our credit, they are mostly hand me downs, or gifts. But still, we have way too many, as my mother likes to remind me every so often......

Tonight after the kids were asleep, I spent an hour in the family room a la Mission: Organization. I had an empty diaper case box for donations, and two brown bags for garbage. In one hour, I filled all three. I even got to go through the books, and get rid of all the ones I detest reading aloud to Sophie. Now that certainly makes for a feeling of accomplishment.

Next up: the basement, where many more toys await their fate!


StephB said...

What a great idea! There are some books that we need to donate. . .

Dorothy Gould said...

I like to donate to North Fulton Community Charites. They serve families in our area, and are always in need of toys, books and baby equipment. They are located behind the Sonny's on Alpharetta Hwy.

GrandmaMaier said...

As usual, your Mother is right again. Just think of how happy you will make some child who will love your books and toys. This post was worth reading. Love you

Anonymous said...

Oh, there's nothing like that feeling ... i now "rotate" Brendan's toys .. when a new one comes in, an old one goes up in the closet and then switched out again later .. he thinks its new again!

Elizabeth said...

There is nothing like the feeling of being organized, no matter how short lived it may be! I LOVE cleaning out toys and books. It just seems that the left over ones never stay in their "place" too long! :)