Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Tooth Fairy and Other Drama

The bane of Sophie's existence has been the other kids in her class, so much younger than her, that have already lost a tooth, or teeth. For months she has been checking her teeth, to no avail. Me, I am fine with her baby teeth. The longer the chiclets take to show their huge heads, the better! Last week when brushing, she told me her bottom teeth hurt, and I knew what was coming next. Sure enough, both her center bottom teeth are loose. They have been shifting for a while now, and it looks like she has already lost teeth, that is how far apart they are spaced.

I would imagine by the end of this week, we will have a visit from the Tooth Fairy.

If she lives that long.

I am not sure what the issue is, but we have been dealing with some HUGE tantrums of late. Over the smallest things. Well, at least to me they seem small. Like having to wear a barrette. Or not being able to wear her flip flops or dirty play sandals to Mass. That was a 45 minute tantrum this morning, it lasted all the way to church, complete with her getting out of her car seat to walk to the front seat to demand I answer her ranting about why we couldn't drive back home so she could change.

Terry took a page from our parents' book and pulled over. In no uncertain terms he told her that was it, we didn't want to hear any more, and if she EVER unbuckled herself again while the car was moving, he would paddle her bottom. I have to say, we have never had to do that, and that struck a cord with her. She tearfully replied "Yes, sir" when asked if she understood him, and then miraculously, the white sandals stopped bothering her, she stomach stopped hurting, and she wasn't dizzy anymore. She did ask to be carried into Church, which I caved on, but sometimes, I think, she just wants what Michael and Emily get. But she went into PSR and had a great time. And the rest of the day passed very peacefully. If there is something about turning 6 that no one told me about...please let me know. I feel woefully unprepared.

But of course, there are moments when I do see the child I have known for almost 6 years now, full of joy, funny, smart and loving. Here she is first thing this morning, showing me her "months of the year" song that they learned in school. And yes, that is the macarena....shudder.....

PS. I did edit this to get it right side up, but when I posted it, it flipped around again. Sorry!


Anonymous said...

Sophie, when you're in high school it's very important to know what month it is because your demerits get erased at the end of every month. So, if you have 10 demerits by Sept. 28(being late to homeroom twice w/o a note)it is a huge relief to realize on Monday Oct.1 when you oversleep that you have successfully avoided Saturday morning detention because IT'S OCTOBER. Aunt Mary

Dorothy Gould said...

Mare, Glad you're back as a commenter. That just doesn't seem right, no detention b/c the month changes?? dor

Anonymous said...

maybe they couldn't fit them all in otherwise. I don't know, I never did detention in high school although I missed homeroom many times. can still only post as anonymous.

Dorothy Gould said...

anonymous has an air of mystery about it, i like it. and i have to say, i never had detention in high school, i was too much of a goody goody.

GrandmaMaier said...

Since when did you two become so perfect althought I have a hard time remembering just exactly what you did wrong. Sophie was feeling you out and Terry stopping the car was the BIG answer. Sometimes they just need the right answer to make thing ok.

Anonymous said...

Lets fae it we all become are parents!!! signed a parent

Anonymous said...

correction.. Lets Face it we all become are parents!!! signed A Parent

Anonymous said...

Double correction!!! our parents thank you... some of us need to go back to school....

Anonymous said...

hahah i would just like to say that the last three comments have been posted by the same person.

three comments posted by:

Dorothy Gould said...

You people need to stop drinking and commenting....:)

Mike Maier said...

Dor- if I have to watch anyone do the macarena, I will vote every time for Sophie's months of the year version; she sounds so grown-up!
I love that Mom can figure out how to post comments (and even occasionally posts to her own blog TOM...)leaving some of her older children in the technological dust...
Okay maybe I'm jealous you got 10 comments even if they are drunken and anonymous.

Anonymous said...

are you dissin your older siblings, young man?! anon in hillsboro, nj

Dorothy Gould said...

Mike, This post has the most comments ever. Commenting impaired does have it's benefits, I guess!

Anonymous said...

the sad part of the posting not a drink involved!!! ha ha

Peg Odenthal said...

ok .. mary, only you would remember the demerit .. dor .. the video made my day .. cant wait till B gets up from nap so we can watch together (with our heads sideways!) Aunt Peg

StephB said...

Oh, my! Your post made me laugh out loud and so I had to read it to Doug too. : ) We are having those tantrums too - maybe it's just October that is causing them.

And the comments were good for more laughs. I'm going to go back and watch the video now.

Bill Maier said...

Dor - great video post.

here's a tip - watch it on your notebook - and you can hold it sideways!

Anonymous said...

Peg, the demerits are being earned by your favorite 17 yr old nephew, not his mother...